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A/N: That last chapter had me hot... whew. Anyways, how are you guys? Who's ready for this chapter? Vote and enjoy, lovelies! 💋



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Composed of both good and evil.

  I nervously looked down at Oliver who was swimming around with Skye. He sighed at me, he's been begging me for the past ten minutes to jump in the ocean with him, but ever since I saw that shark last night I am too scared to get in the ocean.

  "What if I get eaten by a shark, Oli? Huh? Technically, by choosing to swim in the pool instead, I am smarter than you," I said smugly and before I knew it, I lost my balance off the edge where I was talking to him and began to fall. I held my breath immediately and felt myself hit the cold water. I felt arms wrap around me as my eyes screwed shut and when my eyes peeked open, I realized Oliver was looking at me with a sly look.

I began to grow nervous at the feeling of myself in the open ocean and he looked at me, his hands on my waist protectively, "Cammie, calm yourself or you're going to panic. Listen, the sharks around here don't typically come up at this time of day. Plus you have to remember that you and Ellie were sleeping sixteen feet underwater last night. We're right on top."

   That... makes sense. I guess I wasn't thinking.

  "Geronimo!" I heard Elliott screech and before I knew it, his body was sailing over the top of Oliver, Skye, and me before landing in the water with a huge splash.

Then I felt tense; I felt like I was being watched. I played it off as I swam around Oliver and clung to his back. I discreetly looked around us before noticing a boat off in the distance with men watching us. Men who obviously weren't working the Muraka. I pushed Oliver's shaggy hair out from his ear and whispered, "Hey Oli? Those men... they're watching us." He nodded and looked at Elliott and Skye, shooting them a look that meant business. He discreetly nodded his head in the direction of the men and they nodded. Oli grabbed the arm that was wrapped around his chest and pulled me over his shoulder a bit, whispering, "You go get Daniela and Scout. Call the people for service and let them know you want to go back to shore to eat on the beach at that cute little diner. Dress quickly. Leave your stuff here. We'll meet up with you guys later."

   I automatically felt nervous and nodded, "Please protect yourselves, Oli. Be careful, okay?" He smiled at me and kissed my cheek, "Hurry and go, but don't make it obvious." I nodded and smiled at him nervously as I swam to the ladder, climbing up and walking normally inside.

  Because the men on the boat couldn't see me, I ran to the bar where Scout was eating a couple of strawberries and Daniela was taking a selfie, "We gotta go. Put clothes on, Danny call service and tell them to come quickly so we can get to the diner on the beach."

They nodded with no questions asked and I ran downstairs to throw on my mauve-colored flowing sundress that reached the floor. It showed cleavage, had spaghetti straps and a long slit up the skirt of it that reached mid-thigh. I slipped into my silver sandals and grabbed my purse just as Danny came in with a dark green sundress on and tan sandals. She has a hat on that matched the color of the sandals and looked at me, "They're here. Let's go." I nodded as panic built up in my stomach and hurried up the stairs behind Danny and Scout.

   "Beach, yes, thank you," Daniela conversed with the man as I kept looking over my shoulder. Scout held my hand as I helped her into the boat and then Daniela did the same with me. As our underwater villa became smaller and smaller in the distance, so did the sound of gunshot noised that caused fear to build up in my stomach.

  What if... what if Elliott doesn't make it? What if... what if Skye or Oliver get shot? What if that's what that sound was? One of them getting killed?

"T-turn around," I choked out to the man on the boat.

   "What?" Danny asked and I said it sterner now, "Turn around. Go back right now." I slipped him a couple of large bills and he nodded, turning the boat around immediately.

  "Are you a nutter, Cammie?! There is danger back there and the lot specifically told us to leave so we wouldn't be a casualty!" Scout whisper yelled at me and I ignored her, my leg bouncing up and down from anxiety.

I slipped my pistol in my purse before we left on Elliott's private jet, just in case. When you're the leader of a high-end organization such as Elliott, you can never be too careful if said leader is close to you. Plus, what the bloody hell was I thinking? He's my fiancé and just because he tells me danger is around and he wants me to leave doesn't mean I should. I need to have his back. I heard gunshots get louder and yelling as we quickly approached the villa. I jumped to my feet and onto the wooden stairs before it was even close.

   I looked back at the girls as I grabbed my gun out, "Go to the beach. I'll be fine." I nodded at the man because I knew that they would follow me. He nodded and sped away, regardless of what the girls demanded him. Money gets you anything.

  I held my gun close to me as I threw my purse on the couch and threw open the door where the boys and Skye were. The boat was in plain sight as Oliver came insight and his arm was bleeding. He was shot. This spiked my anger and I aimed at the three men on the boat where there used to be six. I aimed and shot, one of them falling off of the boat as they screamed in a foreign language I wasn't used to.

Panic rose in my chest and adrenaline caused me to not care about the fact that I just took someone's life as I took cover. They began shooting at me but I took cover too quickly as I spotted Elliott across the patio, staring at me with his jaw dropped. I paid him no mind as Skye ran out of the villa and threw me a big gun. I didn't have the slightest inkling of how to use it but considering I know my way around a small handgun I don't think it takes rocket science to use a bigger one. I aimed and shot another one just as Elliott shot the one right beside him simultaneously.

   Skye walked out from behind cover and I screamed at her to duck, these men are smart and I know for a fact that at least one man is hiding inside of the boat. She took cover just as a man poked his head up and aimed, shooting him right between the eyes. The once white boat was painted red with their blood and I slid down the wall of the villa, breathing heavily in relief as Elliott ran over to me, "I thought I told you to leave?! Do you ever listen?! Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

  I flinched from his tone and stood up, squinting my eyes at him in rage, "Are you out of your bloody mind if you think I'm just going to sit back and let you get shot up because for once you're not prepared? Maybe don't be a fucking imbecile and yell at me for backing you up!"

His expression held nothing but shock due to the fact I don't normally curse and especially not at him. I huffed and stomped off, calling service to take me to the shore so I can be with my friends. I yelled out from behind me, "Fix Oliver's arm and get off my arse!"

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now