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A/N: The last chapter was a little sad, huh? I hope you guys vote and enjoy this chapter in Cameron's POV! 💋



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Showing wild, apparently deranged, excitement and energy.

  I laughed harder than I've ever laughed before as Salvatore struck me across the face with the end of his belt. Ever since he got the appropriate reaction that he expected when he struck me with the belt for the first time- he's been doing it ever since. It's been a week since he hit me with his belt for the first time and I've even been coming immune to that. I laughed as he balled his fist in my hair and yanked my head back, glaring at me, "What the fuck is so funny?"

  "Y-You," I cried laughing, trying to catch my breath, "You really...t-think this hurts!"

He snarled at me and came behind me for the first time in over a month, and I heard the flick of a pocket knife. My eyes widened as I felt him cutting away at the restraints on my wrist. Soon, my hands were free and I brought them to me, almost gagging at the sight of them. The skin on my wrists no longer existed instead it was bright red, bloody, and infected with pus and ooze forming. I coughed from the horrible smell from my seemingly rotting skin and he chuckled as he cut my ankles free. I had no strength whatsoever as he lifted me up by my bicep and dragged me over to the door. What is he doing?

   My feet agonizingly dragged behind me as he continued pulling me in an unknown direction out of the door. A bright light blinded me and I closed my eyes as a pounding headache formed in the middle of my forehead from how harsh the light was. I was down in a very dim, very damp basement forever with no windows at all for over a month, of course, I'm going to be sensitive to light. I hissed in pain when his fingernails dug into my skin once he dragged me up the stairs and I came face to face with Luca. He glanced at me and I could tell he was fighting the urge to check on me with Salvatore standing right there. He threw me at Luca, "Bathe her, feed her, do what you have to if she gets mouthy. I'll be back later. I'm tired of smelling her gross ass."

  Luca nodded sternly and Salvatore sped out of the room. I felt tears of joy run down my face as I realized I was finally getting food and a shower. Luca fell to his knees in front of me and grabbed my face lightly considering my face was littered with huge welts from the belt. He inspected my face and my half-nude body, "Let's get you a shower, yeah?" I nodded, extremely grateful for Luca in this awful time of my life as he led me to a luxurious bathroom and started the bathtub.

I began feeling very self-conscious considering he would have to bathe me and I'd have to be naked in front of a man that's not Elliott. The thought of showing my body, disgusting or not, to another man is making me feel nauseous. He glanced over at me since I was still in the t-shirt and panties, "Do you need help getting out of your clothes?"

   "I-I... I'm scared," I whispered and his eyebrows scrunched together, "Talk to me about it, what's happening?"

  "There's this man... I l-love him. I promised him I would come back to him before Salvatore took me hostage, he probably doesn't even know that I've been kidnapped..." I sighed and wrapped my arms around my body, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Luca nodded and shuffled his feet awkwardly, "I'm... I'm not going to touch you inappropriately if that's what you're worried about, Cammie. I have to bathe you or we'll both get punished."

I nodded in understanding but when I lifted my arms to take my shirt off, I hissed in pain because of the whip slashes on my back. Luca cringed and walked over to me, carefully taking my shirt off, leaving me in nothing but my underwear. Luca did well to not scan my body as he helped me step out of my panties and helped me into the bathtub. The water was so warm and foreign to my body that I groaned. He got on his knees to the side of it as he grabbed the washrag and soap. He lathered up the rag with a citrus smelling body wash as he carefully began washing me, trying not to hurt my wounds or bruises. Once my body was free of muck and dirt, he began massaging shampoo into my hair, making me moan in delight. This is the first act of kindness I've been shown in well over a month, making me tense considering I still don't know why Salvatore let me out.

   "D-Do you want to shave... or something? I don't know how this works, I'm sorry," his deep voice softening for me was almost comical, but considering the situation, I couldn't even find my laugh. I nodded and he grabbed a razor, lathering up my legs and shaving them slowly since I couldn't do it myself.

  "Tell me about him, this man that you love," he said and I felt my heart palpitate and the thought of Elliott. A warm smile grew on my face whilst Luca shaved the gross hairs off of my legs, "He's amazing, Luca. Truly and utterly perfect... He's the first man I've ever truly loved and he made every minute bloody worth it."

"He sounds like a catch, he's a lucky man to be with a woman like you," Luca admitted and I frowned, "He told me that every day. We actually... we broke up and I moved to New York."

   "Why?" Luca pressed, concerned as he began shaving my other leg, "I found out he was... into some rather controversial things. So I left so I wouldn't drown in that lifestyle. Ironic that I'm being held captive by that same lifestyle, huh? Anyways... I met Salvatore," I nearly gagged saying his name but I shook the feeling away, "he was sweet. Then we met Elise and moved in together. It was the perfect little friend group, honestly. Then Salvatore and I started dating just moments before we went to my sister's wedding where Elliott and I rekindled... then all of this happened."

  "Elliott? Elliott King?" Luca asked with wide eyes and my eyes brightened up as I nodded, "Yes, that's him."

"I think I can get you out of here, Cameron, do you trust me?"

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now