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A/N: Show of hands, who wasn't expecting Oliver's POV? Who liked the change up? Who's ready for more answers? Please vote and enjoy, beautiful people! 💋



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Having or showing a tendency to be easily angered.

  I took the last drink of my whiskey and threw the solo cup into the trash bin on my way inside of the house. I stumbled around people and made my way to my bedroom- slowly but surely. I bust open my door and seen a man and woman that I don't recognize making out against my wall.

  "There's like thirty other fucking rooms in this house, leave before I kill you," I growled drunkenly and their scared eyes fixated on me before they ran out of the room like I had instructed. I tripped over my foot and landed face-first onto the bed, groaning once my face smacked my laptop that I forgot to put away. I flipped over onto my back and stared up at my ceiling, cursing that big man in the clouds for making my life miserable.

How dare he bring such a stunning, kind, compassionate, empathetic, loving woman into my life and then rip her away from me like a band-aid on the skin? How dare he make me fall in love with said woman and make my life a living hell once he takes her away from me? How dare he erase damn near every trace of her existence and make it completely impossible for her to be found? I've spent millions of dollars on private investigators, private information, names, etc. Nothing works. My girl is gone.

   I roared in anger and sat upon the bed, looking towards my bedside table where two picture frames sat. One picture was black and white. Skye took it of us as Cameron sat sideways in my lap. She was laughing and I was looking down at her with a huge grin on my face. The next picture was colored as she was jumped on my back, piggyback style. We were both ugly laughing but she somehow still made it look cute. I grabbed the picture frames and launched them against my wall, causing the frame and glass to both shatter all over my carpeted floor. I raised my hands to my hair and fisted the hair, angrily trying not to destroy everything in this stupid fucking room.

  My door opened and a woman walked in, looking at me with a cup in her hands. She was drunk; she was wearing a black tube-top and a short miniskirt that left almost nothing to the imagination. I glared at her, daring her to speak as she walked over to me, trying so desperately to be seductive whilst failing miserably. The only woman whose sex appeal could get me riled up was Cameron. My dick would only ever get hard for Cameron. My dick will only ever be inside of Cameron. My lips will only ever be on Cameron's. My eyes will only ever be for Cameron. Fuck anybody else and that's a promise.

"Hey sexy, care to let me help you with your little problem?" She asked whilst batting her eyelashes. I smirked, this is going to be fun. I stood up and she reached my chin. Her eyes were brown, her lips were super thin, and her hair was a blonde, pin-straight texture. She was so skinny I could probably count each rib and that's when I recognized her as Emily, Ryan's ex-girlfriend. She definitely won't be missed. She placed her hands on my chest and bit her lip, "Ooh, so hard." I smirked harder as I trailed my hands up her body, purposefully missing everything private and wrapped my hand around her throat.

   She moaned until she realized that I was slowly cutting off her oxygen. Her once fair skin was turning pink with the lack of oxygen as she grabbed at my arms, slapping them as she choked on coughs. I looked into her eyes with no emotion on my face until she began taking her last breaths. I put both hands on her head and snapped her neck easily as if it was a kit-kat commercial.

  The feeling of her neck breaking under my hands was only liberating for a second. Now I'm angry again, angry that I can't fucking find her. I have so many unanswered questions but the most important one, the one I wish could be answered if only one of my questions were allowed answered- Is she safe? I just want my girl to be safe and I'll be okay. I'll still search for her high and low, but I need her to be safe. The thought of her hurt keeps me up at night just as much as that recurring dream about her in that car crash keeps me up at night.

I kept thinking about it as I slid down the side of my bed with my face in my hands, stressing about it. How is possible that I had a dream about her in a car crash with an elderly lady driving and then finding out it actually happened? How is it possible that there were two other people in that car, yet no evidence of them at all? I blew out a deep breath and groaned stressfully as I reached behind me and grabbed my laptop. I pulled up the site that I had archived and looked over all the details for the thousandth time.

   My eyes scanned, searching all of the pictures for something I may have missed. My phone dinged in my pocket so I pulled it out to read a message from Oliver, "Bought more security cameras for the sides of the house and in the trees around our house. Extra security wouldn't hurt, right?"

  I sent back a thumbs up and continued looking at the picture. The car was burned to all hell in the middle of the road. The trees all around showed that the place was almost completely vacant. I had almost given up and shut my laptop again. Until I noticed something in the back of one of the pictures. It was blurry so I zoomed in and noticed a red light on one of the trees. It was almost completely invisible and I scrunched my eyes at that same red light all through the pictures. It was a camera. A security camera. My heart started racing at the possibility and I phoned my private investigator, Niko Petrov. He is a distant cousin who is very talented in finding things for me.

"Dobryy vecher, dvoyurodnaya sestra Elliott," he spoke once he picked up the phone. (Good evening, cousin Elliott.)

   "Mne nuzhna vasha pomoshch, Niko," I mumbled and I heard grunt in response, waiting for me to continue, "Byla kamera slezheniya v odnom iz derev'yev gde byla avtokatastrofa. Dostan' otsnyatyy material dlya menya." (I need your help, Niko. There was a security camera in the trees by the car crash. Get the footage for me.)

  "Sdelano segodnya vecherom?" (Done tonight?)

"Da. Den'gi khoroshiye," I sighed and I heard him hum in satisfaction. (Yes. The money is good.)

  "Uvidimsya pozzhe," He bid farewell before he hung up and I sighed in hopefulness. Maybe this time I will get some worthy information. (See you later.)

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now