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A/N: This is the last chapter of this book. Thank you all for staying with me through this wild ride of a book series. Thank you all for your comments and votes and dedication. I am so grateful for you all and I love you!💋



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The pride that comes from knowing that you are loved no matter what you do.

  "Dude, I'm so serious. I swear I saw a third nipple when she bent down and it was hairy," Oli shuddered and I held my stomach in laughter, "Well as long as that third nipple and its hair stayed out of my son's birthday cake then I'm fine with it." He chuckled in agreement as he unlocked the door and we walked inside. I shut the door with the back of my heel before rushing into the kitchen to hide it before Yuri noticed it.

  "Daddy!" I heard Alina squeal from the other side of the kitchen, soaking wet from head to toe. "And what exactly happened to you, missy?" I asked as she ran into my arms and I picked her up, hugging her soaked body to mine. "I saw the cake... can I... have some?" She whispered to me, looking up at me with hopeful eyes. I chuckled at her and shook my head, "Not today. That's for your brother's birthday tomorrow... But I do have an ice cream sandwich that you can have if you promise not to tell mama."

She took her index finger and thumb, squeezing them together as she made a lips-are-zipped motion with them, then threw the imaginary key away behind her head. I chuckled and sat her down on her feet, opening the freezer. I grabbed the ice cream sandwich and took the plastic wrap off of it and handed it to her with a paper towel around it so her hands wouldn't get cold, "Don't tell mama, she'll pinch me."

   "Don't tell mama what?" Cam asked with a cocked eyebrow as she walked in the kitchen and I stepped in front of Alina, hiding her as I grinned cheekily at my gorgeous as hell wife. Dammit, she's wearing those socks again...

  "Nothing, mama! Please don't pinch daddy!" Alina pleaded loudly and Cam laughed, "I won't pinch him as long as you go tell Yuri and Viktor to stop spraying those water guns in the house." Alina nodded with a smile, racing out of the room to do as instructed.

I walked over to Cameron and gripped the backs of her thighs as I picked her up and sat her on the counter, kissing her deeply. She moaned breathily into the kiss as my hands gripped her soft hips roughly, "Happy sixth anniversary, mamas." She pulled back and grinned, "I love you, El." I kissed her again and pulled back, sighing once I heard Viktor bickering with Alina. Cameron giggled, "He's flirting again. Just like his dad."

   To get you caught up to speed, here's what's happening. Yuri is turning six tomorrow, Alina just turned four two months ago, and Viktor is Oli's and Danny's kid who just turned five a couple of months ago. Oliver and Daniela got married a month after the accidental proposal that made everyone laugh so hard we turned purple in the face. Elise moved back to New York with Luca but they still keep in touch every day, it's as if they never left. We go back and forth with the kids to visit them like little vacations every few weeks. Mostly so Cam can model clothes and keep her IT girl status along with Yuri, Viktor, and Alina who are all IT kids.

  Skye and Scout adopted two twin girls who came from a junkie household and they live on the first floor of the house that we still live in. Oliver and Danny live on the first floor with Viktor and Cam, Alina, Yuri, and I live on the third floor.

Ryan and Maggie are engaged but they moved out and down to Louisiana to be closer to both of their parents. Everyone still keeps in touch and I actually went to the cemetery the other day to visit Dean. I caught him up on all of our lives since the last time I visited him which was a couple of months ago.

   "Hey, El, the mail is on the counter. Would you sort through it? I need to go get ready for our date tonight," Cam said as she hopped down from the counter and I nodded as I bent down to kiss her temple, "Can you keep the socks on? I plan on fucking you in them when we are alone tonight." She blushed beet red and I chuckled softly at how innocent she still is, even after all of these years. She nodded shyly before leaving to get ready. I walked over to the counter and sorted the mail in stacks of who's whose.

  After finishing, I picked Cam's stack up and noticed she had a yellow envelope from Elise that was addressed to me and her. I opened it and took the contents out of it. It was a picture of Alina and Yuri on the front, modeling her children's clothing line along with two other kids. In large, bold letters it read, "See pages 45-48 for billionaire, Elliott King's, model children in Bonjour, Lavigne's clothing line."

I chuckled and shook my head, walking upstairs to show Cam the goofy pictures of our kids acting silly. I laughed as I heard Daniela get onto Viktor for shooting Alina in the face with his water gun and finally made it to the room where I watched Cameron do her makeup. I don't know why she puts it on when she knows she's beautiful without it. I walked up behind her and handed her the magazine and she chuckled as she flipped to the pages and Alina was making a fish face whilst Yuri had his tongue sticking out like Gene Simmons.

   "Characters, the lot of them," she giggled and placed the magazine on top of the others that involved the kids. I kissed her cheek and flopped onto the bed, "You look amazing, love." She smiled at me in the mirror and I closed my eyes as I thought about my life and how crazy it's been. My life would've never been the same without Cam. She made it awesome.

 Cameron King waltzed in my life, loved me, cherished me, and made me a better man. I owe her everything.

Viperous Touch (18+) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now