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Harry went over to her desk and Draco went over to the bookshelf to look for anything out of the ordinary, "I feel weird doing this going through my girlfriend's office without her permission," Draco said. Harry chuckled, "Don't think of her as a girlfriend but as a suspect, and as she is," Harry said as she found the first letter. Draco ran over to him and Harry read it out loud:

Hello Mudblood

I hope you aren't well, you may have gotten the best of us during your "house call" but it seems we got the best of your little boy toy, how is he by the way I just hope we killed him, but even if we didn't just know we will not rest until you and he are dead, you may be wondering what you and he did let me enlighten you.

He abandoned us, let my mother get killed, he abandoned his duties to the dark lord's successor, ME! The whole Malfoy family did, that mother, him and we just can't let unloyalty like that stand.

You: You are a disgrace to the wizarding world, you are filthy, and you lead Draco astray, he has proved himself to be a very powerful wizard and we will not stop until either he joins us and kills you, or we can kill you, he will join us then, or if anything we can kill him.


"Why would she keep this from me?" Draco said. Harry then saw a piece of parchment sticking out of her purse that looked similar "Here's another one," he said. Draco started to read it:

Dear Mublood, You are a lot smarter than I thought, you didn't share the last letter with that boy toy of yours, and that was smart and you should keep doing that, you know how easy it is to curse the people around you, so don't think I won't do him or you, I have changed my plan a bit, I think it would be wonderful for you to join us as well, with or without our help, and once I get you both well, we will be unstoppable and I will have you kill everyone you hold dear. So remember don't share this letter with anyone or I can kill that Zabini boy or that Weasley girl.



Draco then went around to her desktop and opened up the one she was typing in and read it out loud:

1.) She wants Draco to join her forces(might use me to get to him)

2.) Uses Imperious Curse(need to start making sure someone is not under curse)

3.) Andromeda is new Voldemort

4.) Ends in my death and Draco being a death eater

They then heard the door open and saw Hermione, "What are you doing here, why are you in my desk?" Hermione asked. "Why didn't you tell me?" Draco said. "You obviously read the letter she said she was going to kill Blaise or Ginny," Hermione said. "That doesn't matter we can protect them!" Draco said coming closer to her, "I didn't know what to do, she had already almost killed you, killed me, killed Harry," Hermione said almost in tears. "One thing I have learned since I've known you, nothing can take us away from each other, not Ron, not Krum, not Voldemort, and certainly not my cousin with an ax to grind," Hermione chuckled, "Look if you get any more you have to tell us, how will she know?" Harry said. "Did you not read the letters she knows everything, I'm guessing owls or something," Hermione said. "Okay well, I don't see any now so she doesn't know that means we have a leg up," Draco said as he pulled her into a hug, "But we need to start trusting each other, "Hermione I thought you were the brightest witch of your age," Harry said. "What the hell man," Draco said as he released from her grasp, "No for years I have been listening to you and where did it get me, my best friend was cursed, I am now friends with my arch-rival, Hermione I fucking died, you should be called the dimmest witch of your age, how they even let you into Hogwarts I have no idea," Harry continued, "Mate what the hell is wrong with you?" Draco said. Harry then walked over to Hermione slowly, "All you are is a stupid, orphaned, mublood, who can't even figure it out," Hermione started to cry, "Figure out what?" Harry scoffed, "We were in a fight, and this death eater gets slashed by a werewolf and broken limbs, while I escape with a little dirt on my face, I have been everywhere, you have told me everything, I would have heard about it if you had shown Draco the note," Hermione gasped, "Your possessed," Hermione said, "BINGO!" Harry yelled. "I am inhabiting this body to get close to you, and you can't kill me because if you do you kill Harry Potter, the chosen one, the boy who lived, so good luck, CRUCIO!" The blast hit her arm and  Hermione dropped to the floor in pain holding her arm. Draco dropped to his knees by her head he propped up her head and set it on his legs. He looked on her arm and saw her scar being imprinted again and again into her arm, it was being carved into her arm rapidly getting more painful every time. 

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