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Hermione went back to her desk and dialed a number on her office phone, "Hey Harry, get in contact with Ginny and tell her to meet us at that diner on main street, tell her to bring Blaise as well," Hermione said as she hung up the phone, she then walked to Draco and he hung his head down to kiss Hermione she grabbed his face and he slithered his hands around her waist, she then released and grabbed his hand, they got on the elevator and went down to the main floor, they went to the fireplace and arrived in their car, they then drove to this diner on main street, when they got there Blaise and Ginny were already in a booth in one of the corners of the room, they entered the diner and as soon as Ginny saw Hermione she went out of the booth and hugged Hermione, Draco went and sat down by Blaise. They all sat down and started talking then after about 10 minutes, Harry came in. He looked around and as soon as he saw his friends he bolted towards them, he quickly sat down next to Hermione, "Hello guys what can I getcha to drink?" a waitress said, she had blond hair and green eyes, she was very tall the guessed around 6 feet. "Um, can I get a diet coke please?" Harry said. The waitress looked at Hermione, "Can I please get an iced tea?" Hermione asked. "Can I please get a water," Ginny asked. "What she said," Blaise said. "Decaf coffee," Draco said. The waitress nodded and walked away, "So how was everybody's first day?" Ginny asked. Like clockwork, both Draco and Harry both said, "Intense," Hermione and Ginny laughed. "What exactly happened?" Blaise asked. "Well we got into a room and a woman interviewed us, at least me about my childhood, my home life with Ginny, and during the war, what about you Draco?" Harry asked, "Same just about who you guys were, my childhood, and my part in the war, and mainly about our seventh year," Hermione nodded, "What about you guys how was practice?" Hermione asked. "It was great! The people are amazing and I get to do something I love and get paid for it," Ginny said. Blaise nodded in agreement. "What about you Mione?" Harry asked. "Great! We didn't have to go out today but the cases are piling up, if they are severe enough they go to me so I usually have a lot of people weaving in and out of my office, I'm gonna set up a tray by my door to put in reports," They all saw the waitress coming and quickly stopped the magic conversation. "Okay, we have a diet coke, iced tea, 2 waters, and a decaf coffee," she said as she set down the glasses, "Now what can I get yall to eat?" she asked. She looked at Harry and he responded, "Can I please get a burger, medium rare, and some fries," the woman nodded and looked at Hermione, "Can I please get the spaghetti?" Hermione asked, the woman nodded and looked at Ginny, "Can I get the chicken salad," the woman nodded and looked at Blaise, "Same," he responded. "And you?" the woman said looking at Draco. "Can I please get the reuben with fries," the woman nodded once more and walked away. She came back around 20 minutes later with all of their food, they dove in and continued to talk about their first day, "Okay so make sure you keep the second open the game starts at 6 and you are in the family box," Draco's mouth dropped, "The family box? That is the best seat in the house!" Blaise and Ginny laughed. The waitress came over to their table and set down the check, everyone looked at each other and dove for the check, Blaise arose successful and everyone groaned. Blaise got out some Galleons and Draco quickly covered the money, "Are you insane?" Draco asked him. Blaise looked confused, "Right," Blaise said, he then took out his wand under the table and transfigured it into muggle money, he set it down on the check and they all left the booth.

Living Together- A Dramione Love Story SequelWhere stories live. Discover now