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"Mr. Malfoy, she's awake," Draco turned around to see a nurse and shoot up and ran. He entered Hermione's room to see her awake. "Mione!" Draco ran to her bedside and cupped her head. "Did you find him?" she asked. Draco chuckled, nodded his head, and kissed her. Then Harry crept into the room, "Mione I am so sorry," he said. Hermione held out her hand and Harry came up to her and took it, "Harry it's not your fault, it is absolutely fine,"  Harry kissed her hand. "Draco?" they all heard, Draco peaked his head out of the room, "In here," Draco returned to Hermione's bedside and in less than a second Ginny and Blaise raced into the room, "Is that him?" Ginny asked Draco, he nodded. "Where was our first kiss?" she asked him. "Gryffindor common room after the quidditch finals, you played seeks because I got detention from Snape," Ginny's eyes filled with tears, she lunged at Harry and hugged him almost toppling him over. "I should be out of here by tonight," Hermione said. "Yep, then we are taking a long weekend and not going to work," Draco said as he kissed Hermione. "No Draco, I need-" Hermione started, Draco shook his head and kissed her once again, "Fine," Hermione said as she sighed, "I already called the Ministry," Draco said. Hermione smiled, "Well we are going to go, see you guys at home," Ginny said. The three of them left and Draco looked at Hermione, "What are we doing tonight," Draco asked. "Can we just order Chinese food and watch movies," Hermione asked. Draco smiled, "Of course," he kissed her again. "Okay, Ms. Granger, you are ready to go, and Ms. Weasley left these at the front desk," the nurse showed a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. Hermione smiled and got up. The nurse set down the clothes and left the room. Draco stood up and closed the curtains on the door. Hermione slid off her pants and put on the leggings Ginny had brought. Hermione tried to get her shirt off but her arm hurt too much, she winced, "You need help?" Draco asked. Hermione started to cry, "Hey, hey, it's going to be fine," Draco said as he pulled her into a hug, "Why would she do this?" she asked him. "Can I be honest with you," Draco asked her. Hermione looked up at him, "There is this tradition that cousins would marry and reproduce to keep the bloodlines pure, well I was supposed to marry Andromeda, per my father's request, and she caught actual feelings for me when I started to date you she sent me a letter, basically saying that I would need to uphold the agreement or she would hurt us, I am so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't think we would last this long I didn't think I would grow to love you as I do," Hermione smiled and hugged him again. "We can get through anything Draco Malfoy," Draco kissed her head. Hermione pulled away and tried once more to take off her sweatshirt, she winced again and Draco came up behind her. He slipped his hands under her shirt and slipped it off of her, she turned around and kissed him.

Living Together- A Dramione Love Story SequelWhere stories live. Discover now