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Ginny scanned Harry with his wand and he only had a few bumps and bruises, he was gonna be fine, "Okay so what the hell happened?" Hermione asked as she was applying pressure to some of Draco's wounds.

Harry and Draco had apparated to the scene Hermione was just at, they saw the dead house-elf, the broken rocks, and they saw the body of the witch quivering in a corner, Harry went up to her and tapped her on her shoulder she stood up, still facing the wall, and only after she was standing did she finally slowly turn around. Draco was looking around the rest of the house, "Lumos," Draco said, the tip of his wand turned into a bright light and he walked around the house looking for anything, anything at all. The woman had turned around and dove into Harry's shoulder hugging him, crying. "Did I kill anyone?" she asked, "A house-elf," Draco came rushing down the stairs because of the noise. Then at the sight of him, the woman gasped and fell to the ground, blood pouring out of her eyes, ears, nose, mouth, everywhere. Harry dropped to his knees trying to help her, Draco dove next to him. Then Harry looked at the open door and saw 4 people in masks coming at them, Harry flicked his wand at the door and it closed, they ran up the stairs and the door flew open once more, Draco and Harry heard the 4 masked people downstairs, they went behind stone pillars that connected to ones downstairs, they heard the masked attackers creep up the stairs. "PETRIFICUS TOTALIS," Draco yelled as he flicked his wand in their direction, "CRUCIO!" one of them said to Draco's pillar it broke in half and Draco dove to another pillar. "STUPEFY!" Harry yelled as he flashed around his pillar. One of the attackers flew back into the wall and fell to the floor. "PETRIFICUS TOTALIS!" Draco yelled as one of them was winding up to attack Harry's pillar. Another one of the attackers hit the ground and froze, it was down to 2 a man and a woman, the man had a strong resemblance to Fenrir Greyback, and Draco decided that it was, in fact, him, the other looked like Bellatrix and he decided that was Andromeda, "ONE IF FENRIR THE OTHER IS ANDROMEDA!" Draco yelled to Harry Fenrir turned his head and pounced on Draco slashing his chest multiple times causing the marks that were gushing blood on his body, "STUPIFY!" Harry yelled at Fenrir and he flew back into some dust and cobweb-infested chairs. Harry then dove to Draco and apparated out of there.

Hermione cupped her hands over her mouth and looked down at Draco, "The broken fingers were caused from when rock fell on his hand, the leg and ribs and slashes are all from Greyback, he got him good," Hermione started to tear up at the image of what happened, the Blaise apparated back with bags full of herbs and potions, "I hope this will help Mione," Hermione grabbed one of the herbs and started smearing it on his slashes, "Tell Blaise what happened Harry," Hermione said. Harry nodded and Blaise joined him and Ginny on the couch. The gashes were covered in the green herb and Hermione put bandages around them, She then poured Skele-Gro in his mouth and it trickled down his throat. Hermione then looked over to the couch and saw Harry asleep in Ginny's lap, Blaise came up to Hermione and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey it's gonna be okay," he said. "What if he doesn't wake up?" Hermione asked him in tears, Blaise stuck out his arms signaling for her to hug him and she did, "One thing I know about Draco, he is the most stubborn prat I know and nothing, not even a bloodthirsty werewolf, could keep him away from you," Hermione laughed and released from his grasp. Blaise then went back to his apartment and Hermione stayed in Ginny and Harry's apartment with Draco.

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