First Arrest

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Hermione went and knocked on the door and a woman answered, "Hello Ma'am we are from the house-elf rights department at the Ministry can we come in," the woman stepped aside and all three of them entered the house, "I filed that complaint, can you please not tell him that," the woman said. Hermione nodded, "Honey we have some visitors that want to talk to you," a man about the women age came around the corner, "I will make tea," the woman said as she went into what Hermione assumed was the kitchen. "Who are you?" the man said. "Hello I am Hermione Granger from the house-elf rights department at the Ministry of Magic and we need to talk to you Mr. Lewis," Mr. Lewis held out his hand presenting a sitting room which they all went and found a seat, Mr. Lewis in an armchair and the three of them on a couch, "We need to talk to you about your house-elf we received a complaint and found it necessary to follow up on it could you bring them in here please," Hermione said. "Rakpy!" yelled the man and a house-elf came from a little broom closet with a cloth around its torso and gashes all over its body. "Hello My name is Hermione and I am from the Ministry can you tell me your daily routine," Hermione said as she tapped him with her wand, "What is that?" Mr. Lewis said. "It temporarily breaks their tie to you so they can speak freely," Hermione said. Mr. Lewis then got very nervous you could tell. "Well, Rakpy wakes up inside his broom closet and tends to the garden outside, Rakpy then makes and serves Mr. and Mrs. Lewis their breakfast, usually Rapky don't do it right and Rakpy get a beating, then Rakpy clean the bedroom and bathroom if there is even one speck of dust Rakpy get a beating. Then Rakpy make and serve Mr. and Mrs. Lewis's lunch, then Rakpy clean the office and spare bedroom, then it is usually followed by another beating or drowning in the sink, then Rakpy make and serve the Lewis's their dinner and am thrown into the closet once more," Hermione, Elizabeth, and Percy were all on the edge of tears. "Rapky who gives you these beatings?" Hermione asked. "Mr. Lewis every time, whenever Mrs. Lewis tries to stop it she gets hit as well," Hermione nodded and stood up, "Mr. Lewis I place you under arrest for the mistreatment and abuse of your wife and this house-elf, Percy can you please take him back to the Ministry to be processed," Percy nodded and grabbed Mr. Lewis. Mrs. Lewis then came around the corner, "What is happening?" she asked. "Mrs. Lewis your husband is going away for a very long time this house-elf is now yours what you chose to do with it is your choice," Mrs. Lewis nodded then hugged Hermione, "Thank you, thank you so much," she then let go of Hermione. Hermione linked arms with Elizabeth and apparated back to the Ministry.

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