St. Mungos

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Her scar was being traced over and over by an invisible object, her arm was covered in blood and Hermione's screams echoed throughout the office, "Muffliato," Draco said as he pointed his wand at the door. "Mione, Mione look at me, I'm so sorry I don't know what to do," Hermione shook her head, "There's nothing you can do just stay with me please AHHHHH," Hermione screamed even louder Draco looked down and saw the curse was moving beyond her arm and cutting her hand and Draco saw blood coming through her clothes, Hermione's eyes were beginning to close she then passed out, "PETRIFICUS TOTALIS," Draco said. Hermione froze and the blood stopped. He got up and went to her phone, and called Ginny, "Hey Mione what's up?" Draco heard, "It's Draco, Harry has been possessed by Andromeda, do not go home, go to St. Mungos I am taking Mione there he attacked her," Ginny gasped, "Okay should I get Blaise?" Draco paused then replied, "Yeah sure," "Okay see you there," Draco picked up Hermione and apparated them to the door of St. Mungos, "HELP I NEED HELP!" Draco yelled in the lobby, a nurses and a doctor came running to him, with a gurney, Draco set her on it and the doctor asked him, "What happened?" Draco was running with the gurney, "About 1 year and a half ago she was tortured and had a term carved into her arm, our friend was possessed and he cast a curse on her arm and it kept getting recarved into her arm, it then spread beyond her arm, I then performed the petrificus totalis charm to stop it then I brought her here," the doctor nodded, "We need to wait for her to unfreeze then we can do something," They then entered a room and transferred her onto a bed, "What will you do?" Draco asked. "We will probably do a reversal charm so we can stop it from spreading, but without the wizard that reactivated the curse we can't stop it completely, what happened to the witch that gave her the scar in the first place?" the nurse put an IV into Hermione's arm and started to scan her with a wand, "Dead," Draco replied. The doctor nodded and Hermione then unfroze and started to scream again, the doctor looked at her scar and it was again opening and getting recarved, "Can you find the wizard that did this?" the doctor asked. Draco nodded and ran out of the room.

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