Dinner Party

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They all sat down and started serving themselves, "So what is everyone starting on Monday, in detail?" Harry said. "Well, Blaise and I will be playing chasers for the arrows and practice starts on Monday, our first game is on October 2nd," Ginny said. "Well Harry and I will be starting our Auror training on Monday, ever since Shaklebolt became Minister he has made it a bit easier to become one, if you fought in the battle and didn't change sides you basically automatically become one, so I'm not very optimistic," Draco said. Hermione grabbed his thigh, "I read your letter he said all of that was dropped," Hermione said. "What about you Hermione I still don't know the details," Blaise said. "Well, I will be spearheading a new department at the Ministry, house-elf rights, I have around 15 employees and my job is to investigate any cases of neglect or abuse, and to make sure they are treated well," Hermione said all of this with a smile on her face. They all sat for hours talking things from Quidditch to Muggle things. It was around 11 when everyone left and Hermione groaned as she went over to the kitchen to clean up. "My love what do you think you're doing?" Draco asked as Hermione grabbed the plates from the table. "Cleaning?" Hermione asked with a confused tone. Draco laughed, "You cooked this amazing meal for us and our friends to enjoy the least I can do is clean, you go change into some pajamas and crawl into bed," Draco said as he took the plates from Hermione. She then kissed him on the cheek and went into their bedroom, she arose in an oversized Slytherin teeshirt with some Gryffindor sweatpants. Draco chuckled and cleared the final dishes off the table, Hermione then shrunk the table and chairs back down to size and put them back in their respective places. She then went back into the bedroom and grabbed her book on the Imperious Curse, about 15 minutes later Draco came in and changed into some pajamas, "You need to stop obsessing you'll give yourself an ulcer," Draco said as he lied down next to her. Hermione didn't respond, "My love it is adorable how you literally get entangled by your books but its a whole nother thing when you tune others out," Draco said. Hermione sat down her book and turned to face him, "I'm sorry I just want to know who did this to us, I mean who would do this?" Hermione said. "That's tomorrow's problem," Draco said as he wrapped his arm around Hermione, she rested her head on his chest and they went to sleep, listening as their breathing formed one.

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