The Next Day

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Hermione had fallen asleep in Ginny and Harry's apartment, she head felt a pair of hands on her shoulders waking her up, she opened her eyes to see Harry, "You going in today?" he asked her. Hermione nodded her head and stood up. The Skele-Gro was almost gone so she figured either Ginny or Harry had given it to him while she was asleep, she took out her wand and scanned Draco with it, his fingers, and 3 of his ribs were back to normal, but his leg and the other rib were still broken, and the gashes were almost healed, he just needed to wake up. Hermione went back to her apartment and got dressed, she came back in a strapped red blouse and black pants, "Um Mione?" Harry said pointing to her arm her scar was just out in the open, Hermione gasped, went back to her apartment and got a black sweater. She and Harry departed for the parking garage, Hermione got in her car and Harry in his, they drove into the perimeter of the ministry and apparated in, Hermione arose from the green flames and went to the elevators alone she arrived on the fifth floor, before going into her office she went into her employee's workspace, "Can I please see Mason and Molly in my office please?" Hermione asked. They both got up and walked into her office, they sat in the chairs in front of Hermione's desk and Hermione started, "Are you both okay? I know yesterday was scary," Mason and Molly both looked at her, "Yea we're fine Ms. Granger thank you," Molly said. "Now I hope that was a one-time thing I hope that didn't make it so you don't want to go in the field anymore, did it?" Hermione asked them. Mason and Molly both looked at each other and shook their heads. "Good, feel free to come to m with any questions and have a great day," Hermione said. Mason and Molly both got up and left. The rest of the day went without any interruptions, but Hermione found herself thinking about Draco every second, she couldn't eat, she couldn't focus, she could only think about him, then an owl flew into her office from the open door of her balcony. The owl dropped a letter on her desk:

Hello Mudblood 

I hope you aren't well, you may have gotten the best of us during your "house call" but it seems we got the best of your little boy toy, how is he by the way I just hope we killed him, but even if we didn't just know we will not rest until you and he are dead, you may be wondering what you and he did let me enlighten you.

He abandoned us, let my mother get killed, he abandoned his duties to the dark lord's successor, ME! The whole Malfoy family did, that mother, him and we just can't let unloyalty like that stand.

You:                                                                                                                                                                                               You are a disgrace to the wizarding world, you are filthy, and you lead Draco astray, he has proved himself to be a very powerful wizard and we will not stop until either he joins us and kills you, or we can kill you, he will join us then, or if anything we can kill him.


Hermione scoffed at how poorly the letter was written but was also very scared, this entire plan ended in her death and Draco's essentially, he hated his death eater self and he was dead if he became one again. Hermione couldn't report this, it would end in death, either hers or an Aurors. She then heard a knock at her door she quickly hid the note in her desk drawer, "Come in!" Hermione yelled. Harry then entered her office and she had a mini heart attack, did he know Hermione thought. "I wanted to see how you were doing," Harry said as he sat down in one of the chairs across from her. "I'm okay just worried about Draco," Hermione said. Harry nodded, "Well if you need anything, I'm just three floors down," Hermione chuckled and Harry exited her office. Hermione then heard another knock on her door and signaled for the person to come in, there stood Percy Andrews. "Hello, Ms. Granger I have a case for you," Hermione signaled to the chair previously occupied by Harry, he made his way over and sat in it. He put the paper on Hermione's desk,

Name: Adley Lewis

Address: 555 Downing Street London, England, SW1A 2AA

Reason for Complaint:                                                                                                                                                       My husband is very abusive to our elves, he beats them, makes them work in the cold with no clothes on, he mutilated them, and has killed a few. 

"I share your concern I feel this is a home visit situation, will you accompany me on it?" Hermione said. Percy nodded his head, "Okay did you share this with anyone?" Hermione asked. Percy shook his head, "Okay thank you we will leave in 5 minutes," Percy left her office and Hermione grabbed her purse, she then exited her office and entered the workspace, "Hello it has come to my attention that it is kind of unfair to pick someone at random so I will assign you a partner, you will get their opinion on the case and those will be the two with me on house visits, the pairs are as follows, Molly and Mason, Percy and Elizabeth, Evelyn and Thomas. Now can I have Percy and Elizabeth," they both stood up and came over to Hermione, they each linked arms with her and they apparated to a little house in London.

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