1. Summershine

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It was a nice and sunny day in the little town of Ponyville. Most ponies already got up a few hours ago. The dirt road of Ponyville was already filled with ponies who started their day by going to work, or to school, in case of the younger ones. It was usually the busiest time in Ponyville.

One of the ponies who got ready for his job was a Unicorn stallion who walked around the main road of Ponyville while pulling a cart with him. The stallion had a dark orange coat color and a dark red spiky mane. His eyes were dark blue and he had five glowing stars as a Cutie Mark on his flank. The name of this pony was Summershine and he was a citizen of Ponyville.

The stallion used his magic to levitate a list in front of his eyes and took a look at it. "Let's see where to go first..." he said before he scrolled his eyes through the list carefully. After confirming what he wanted to know, he put the scroll away again and smiled. "Looks like as if I get to see everypony on my route," he said before he grinned with some excitement in his face.

As Summershine walked through the town, he made sure to take a good look around to see what everypony else was up to. Ponies in the skies were taking care of the clouds to let the sun shine through, sale ponies made sure to open their shops and let in their first customers into their stores, some fillies and colts seemed to be late for school and ran past him in order to still arrive in time, and so on.

Those were the same things that Summershine usually saw in this town. Ponies of all kinds lived their quiet and relaxing lives without any worries. Watching those ponies almost made Summershine feel relaxed as well. Ponyville was perfect for a life like that, unlike Manehattan for example, which was a much more crowded and hectic place.

Before he knew it, he arrived at the first location that he needed to be at. It was a workshop that strongly resembled a giant anvil. Right above the entrance, there was a sign which said "Iron Hammer,". It was the local wooden and metal workshop of Ponyville. Summershine stopped and looked inside the cart to pick up what he needed right now. As soon as he found it and began walking towards the entrance an Earth Pony stallion with a brown coat, a silver flat top mane, dark blue eyes, and a hammer as a Cutie Mark stepped out of the workshop. It was the owner of this workshop.

"Morning, Summershine!" The Earth Pony greeted with a smile on his face as soon as he saw Summershine walking up to him with a package levitating above his head.

"Hey, Mr. Steel Hammer!" Summershine greeted back.

Steel Hammer sighed in response. "How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to add "Mr." if you talk to me?"

Summershine laughed a little in embarrassment and rubbed his neck. "Sorry," he apologized before he levitated the package towards Steel Hammer now. "Here, I got a package for you today,"

A formed on the face of the Earth Pony. "Ah, yes! Those must be the new tools that I ordered!" He said in excitement as he took the package from Summershine, who now levitated a list towards him so that he could sign it.

"Thanks a bunch!" Summershine said happily before returned to his cart and checked the list from before one more time to see where he was about to head next. However, as he looked through it, he noticed how Steel Hammer was looking at him with lowered eyebrows. "What's with that look? Did I say something funny?" Summershine asked confused once he noticed the strange expression on Steel Hammer's face.

"No, nothing," Steel Hammer replied while he made sure to keep that look on his face. "Just making sure that you look happy," he added.

Summershine got confused by those words but still formed a smile on his face. "Why wouldn't I be happy?" He then asked.

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