6. Lightbeam

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As the sun was going up on the horizon, one pony was happily watching it. It was a Pegasus mare with a light blue coat, a white and light blue colored straight mane, light orange eyes and a pink flower as a Cutie Mark. Almost hypnotized by the beauty she saw in the far distance, the mare was resting her head on the window ledge.

"Oh!" She then said once she saw something interesting appearing in the distance.

Far, far away, a rainbow was showing up. The colors were slowly appearing and got brighter by the second, which eventually ended in a really colorful image that one would usually see in well-drawn pictures. This view was taking away the breath of the mare that was watching all of this unfold in front of her eyes. Seeing something like that lifted the mood of her, which was high up, to begin with, and started to fill her with cheer happiness.

The mare began to smile and raised her head in determination. "Alright!" She simply said before she ran out of her room.

In the meantime, in the same house, a stallion was still sound asleep and quietly snored his worries away. It was Nightsky, who as usual, liked to spend his days more relaxed and quiet. This happened to be one of those days and he wouldn't change for anything now.

Unfortunately, his rhythm was often disturbed by his more than energy filled and bubbly little sister. This was exactly one of those moments. The stallion's eyes popped open as soon as he noticed how someone was jumping up and down on his bed. Something that happened a lot.

"Wake up! Wake up!" The mare said happily, without noticing how she was waking her brother up a little too abruptly. "You just missed a really beautiful rainbow!" She mentioned as she continued to jump on the bed without a care in her mind.

Despite this commotion, the stallion remained relatively calm and gave a collected response. "If I already missed it, then why do I need to be awake now?" Nightsky pointed out while he tried to ignore his sister's rampage as best as possible.

Suddenly, realization struck the mare and she sat down on the bed. "Good point," she simply said before she started to calm down again.

Nightsky began to sit up now and rubbed his eyes. "Lightbeam, I like a good rainbow too but I also got home a few hours ago and need some sleep to catch up," Nightsky explained. He was referring to his job as a weather pony, where he occasionally had to do work at night. Somepony had to take care of the weather late as well after all.

Lightbeam quickly explained herself. "Sorry! I just saw a rainbow which means that this day will be great! After all, rainbows are always a good sign!" She explained casually with a big smile on her face.

"Yup," Nightsky agreed. He probably didn't want to question it so that his sister wouldn't switch back to her previous mood again.

Lightbeam expected more of a response from her brother. "You're just gonna sleep through half the day, right?" She asked with little emotions in her voice.

"Yup," Nightsky replied before he laid back down on his back and covered his face under his bedsheet.

Lightbeam flew down from the bed with a sulking expression on her face. "Can't believe this," she whispered under her breath before she raised her shoulders. "To spend a beautiful day like this inside is just a huge waste!" She said as she walked over to the window and opened it wide and flew outside in front of it. "I'm not gonna sit here and let this day go to waste!"

Nightsky looked over to his sister who was flying right in front of the window. He saw how determined she was looking up to the sky as if she wanted to vow to the sky itself that this day would be amazing. "From now on, this day will be aweso-" She said before she was interrupted by some heavy rain that came pouring down on her on cue.

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