12. Generosity

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Usually, Brilliance would spend the day inside, whenever she is not spending time with her friends of course, where she is willing to go outside. It's not even like she hated being outside, she just preferred being inside, reading something in her quiet library. That was just the pony she was.

Whenever she left her library it was either because of her friends or because she needed to do something that she couldn't inside, like shopping or dealing with some kind of problem. This time she left the house because of the later one.

She walked through Ponyville, looking straight forward, presumably knowing exactly where she was going. In fact, she was not looking left or right on her whole walk through town. It was as if she didn't even care about anything around her, or almost as if she wasn't aware of anything else.

Which happened to be the case...

Soon, she found herself suddenly bumping into someone and landed back on her behind. She was surprised by this and looked around confused until she heard a voice talking to her. "Sorry, are you alright?" A male familiar voice asked concerned.

"Sorry," Brilliance apologized before she got up on her hooves again. "Who is there?" She then asked much to the surprise of the one in front of her.

"Um...it's Ashgray," the Unicorn stallion replied, feeling almost hurt that Brilliance didn't recognize him.

Brilliance did seem to notice that. "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you by your voice and I couldn't see it was you," she explained.

Ashgray raised an eyebrow. "How? Did you forget your glasses?" Ashgray jokingly asked before he actually realized that this was the case and that the mare did not wear her glasses. "Wait, where are your glasses?" He then asked.

Brilliance explained. "I broke them. Read a book in my bed. I usually lift them up and read them while I lay down. It fell down and my glasses got broken once it fell on my face," she said casually and without showing any signs of being embarrassed about this story, which Ashgray would probably when if he was her at this moment. "I'm on my way to the optician to get them fixed,"

"Oh, okay," Ashgray replied. "Then don't let me hold you back on that," the stallion said before he stepped out of the way so that Brilliance could be on her way again.

After a few more words, the mare was gone and Ashgray was on his way as well. Thinking about Brilliance's words from before, however, got the stallion confused for a moment and he turned around. "Wait, isn't the optician the other way?" He asked himself. Then again, he only recently arrived in Ponyville and his sense of direction was also not the best, so he figured that Brilliance was knowing where she was walking to and he continued to walk away again.


Brilliance finally arrived at her destination and stood in front of the door to the optician. She was taking longer to get to this place than she expected, something that was most likely caused by her not knowing exactly where she was going.

But knowing that she would be able to see clearly again soon, she started to feel better already. The mare entered the door and was greeted by the sound of a bell that hung above the door. "Hello?" She said as soon as she was inside, waiting for somepony to take care of her problem.

Somepony quickly walked up to Brilliance with a cheerful and open voice. "Welcome, how can I help?" A Unicorn mare with a white cloak, a purple mane, dark blue eyes, and three light-blue diamonds as a Cutie Mark greeted.

Not recognizing the voice at first, Brilliance had a slight feeling that this was not the right place but in order to confirm her thought, she asked away. "Is this the optician?" The mare asked casually.

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