20. The End of Friendship - Part 2

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Ponyville was on fire...

The little peaceful town was covered in flames and ponies all over the town were doing their best to put them out. But as they did that, they didn't realize how something much bigger was going on at this very moment.

In the center of the town, two ponies were staring at each other while all of this happened around them. Summershine was confronting Ashgray who was inside Star Twinkle's body, and on top of that, an Alicorn. Next to Ashgray were Lightbeam and Nightsky who got knocked out by him.

Seeing his friends on the ground unconscious made the stallion angry but at the same time, he still couldn't fully believe that Ashgray was inside Star Twinkle. "Is that really you, Ashgray!?" He asked as confirmation. "How did you steal Star Twinkle's body!? Get out of him!" He exclaimed angrily.

But Ashgray remained calm. "I'm afraid I can't do that. I need him to archive my goal,"

Summershine's sight was then focused on his two friends on the ground. "What do you mean with that!? What did you do with my friends!?" He asked angrily.

Ashgray was confident right now. He didn't plan to hide anything from Summershine because he knew he already won. "I wasn't able to control the Elements of Harmony before..." he said before he looked over to the two Pegasi next to him. "That was because you and your friends are the ones tied to them. I maybe was able to use their power for a moment but as soon as the elements realized that I wasn't chosen by them, I got rejected. Only those who were chosen have the ability to use them," he explained before he looked back at Summershine. "So...I somehow had to find a way to connect myself to the elements, that way I would be able to control them,"

"Connect yourself with the elements?" Summershine asked confused.

Ashgray nodded with a smile on his face. "It was actually pretty easy to figure out what to do. You are able to control the Elements of Harmony because you were destined to...and as everypony knows, Cutie Marks are connected with your destiny,"

Having said that, Summershine instantly noticed that the Cutie Marks of his friends were gone. Before Ashgray turned towards Summershine before, he was using his magic to draw out something from the two. He must have used some kind of spell to take away their Cutie Marks. Summershine quickly put one and one together and had a good guess what exactly Ashgray had in mind.

"You seem to have figured it out," Ashgray said after he noticed how the gears in Summershine's head were turning. "Yes. By stealing their Cutie Marks, the Elements of Harmony will recognize me as the one chosen by them," he said with a victorious smile on his face.

Summershine clenched his teeth. "Your plan will not work! And I will make sure of that!" He exclaimed angrily with his horn glowing in blue light.

But Ashgray smiled in response. "Then go ahead," he offered confidently.

The orange Unicorn was about to instantly take this offer but then he realized something that prevented him to go further. Right now he was aiming at his friend, Star Twinkle. The pony that was talking to him was none other than Ashgray but the body that he was in now was one of his best friends. There was no way that he would attack Star Twinkle.

And Ashgray was well aware of that. "You can't attack me because you would only hurt your friend," he said mockingly. "And that means I already won!" He then exclaimed before flames were rising around him and in front of Summershine, blocking the view of the Unicorn for a moment.

Once the flames were gone, Ashgray was nowhere to be found. He used this as a distraction to get away. In a way, he was glad that he was gone. Now he had the time to check up on Lightbeam and Nightsky. Both of them were waking up but their bodies were shaking.

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