14. Honesty

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It was one of those days where a bunch of good friends came together to spend time with each other. Happytrade invited her friends Summershine, Crash, Nightsky, Lightbeam, Star Twinkle, and Ashgray into one of the fancier restaurants in Ponyville in order to celebrate something.

"Everypony eat up! I'll invite you all!" Happytrade announced while she raised a cup with cider into the air.

Her friends cheered happily in response, and for good reason. The table was filled with all kinds of sweets, that begged to get eaten, which of course, their friends did. They got invited after all.

Lightbeam, as usual, was the one who shared her thoughts about all of this first. "Mhhhh! Delicious!" She simply said after she took a bite off from a filled donut.

Summershine couldn't agree with this more. "It really is nice to invite us all to this,"

Still, Nightsky could only wonder what exactly the occasion was for this invitation. "You rarely invite us all, especially in a costly restaurant like this,"

"Yes, what is the occasion?" Star Twinkle asked.

"Does it matter? The food is amazing!" Crash said before he dug his face right into a cake in front of him, covering his whole face in cream.

Happytrade wasted no time explaining herself. "Basically, I got really lucky!" She said with a grin on her face. "You won't believe it! I got a chance to work together with the Apple Family," she announced proudly.

Some of her friends were not really sure why that was so good that Happytrade needed to invite them. It was eventually Ashgray who asked. "What's so good about that?" The stallion asked confused.

Happytrade eyes popped open in surprise. Of course, Ashgray being in Ponyville for not that long couldn't understand how important that was for Happytrade but she still felt a little shocked. It was probably good that none of her other friends asked this question because she expected them to know. "The Apple Family are the most well-known and most beloved ponies in Ponyville. They live here for generations and made quite a name for themselves. Not to mention that their apple products are top-notch!"

It then clicked for Ashgray. "Oh! I see! So if you work for them, your reputation as a merchant can get a little boost,"

Happytrade grinned smugly. "Eeyup!" She replied. "I tried to work with the Apple Family for a long time now so I will not miss my chance to make a name for myself! Their apple products are really popular and if I sell them, I will get popular as a merchant as well!" She explained, laughing happily just by the thought of that.

But not everypony was looking at this with the same eyes, like Star Twinkle. "Sounds to me like as if you are trying to use them for your own good," he bluntly said.

The mare, however, was not bothered by those words. "That just shows me that you know nothing about trading," she said while she shook her head. "Listen, the Apple Family wants me to sell their products because they don't have the time themselves, so I just help them out with that while also making a little bit of profit and exposure for myself, everypony wins, nopony looses,"

The group of friends was not as good when it came to stuff like that of course so they just believed in the mare's words even if some of them had second thoughts. But Happytrade assured everypony that this will be a huge step for her.

"Aaand, it gets even better!" The mare continued. "I am supposed to sell their stuff in Canterlot!"

Summershine was a little confused. "In Canterlot?" He asked before he got an immediate answer from the mare.

"I know, right? Home of the noblest and richest ponies in all of Equestria, who have more money than they can ever spend!"

Lightbeam suddenly, understood why Happytrade was so excited about all this. "That sounds like as if you're about to make a lot of money,"

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