13. Kindness

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Lightbeam, the carefree Pegasus mare, was strolling through Ponyville with her usual cheerful attitude. She and her brother both lived in Cloudsdale, home of the Pegasus but they spent more time in Ponyville. Their friends lived there and Nightsky was also working in Ponyville most of the time so there was no avoiding spending so much time there. Today, Lightbeam was on her way to do some errands. For her, that was just another reason to spend her day in this nice town.

"Morning in Ponyville shimmers~" Lightbeam hummed as she walked through Ponyville before she stopped in the middle of the road. "Oh! That sounds good! I should write a song like that," she said, interrupting her little song. "Maybe someday later," she added before she continued to walk through town.

She pulled out a little list from her saddlebag and read out loud to where she needed to go. "First, shopping in the marketplace," she said as she made her way to said place.


Lightbeam was in charge of buying some food. Equipped with a saddlebag, she was walking from one merchant to the next, going down her list and picking up everything on it. It didn't take long until she was only short of one more item. The mare quickly found the right merchant for what she was looking for. She was in luck because there wasn't a line in front of the merchant, or at least not a long one. There was only one pony standing in front of her. It was a Pegasus mare with a yellow-colored coat, a long pink mane, cyan-colored eyes, and three pink butterflies as a Cutie Mark.

The mare placed a bunch of carrots on the table along with some bitcoins. The merchant took a look at the mare in front of him and began to smile for some unknown reason. "Six bucks," the merchant pony then demanded.

The Pegasus mare looked a little flustered after hearing that, however. "But...the sign behind you says One buck per carrot," she pointed out while she pointed towards the said sign. Lightbeam could confirm that this was true after looking at the sign as well.

Still, the merchant insisted to get those six bucks. "Yeah, must have forgotten to change that, it's six bucks, trust me."

Something smelled fishy. Lightbeam had a slight feeling that this merchant was trying to rip the mare off. There was a really smug smile on the merchant's face that just gave her that feeling. But despite that, the mare in front of her didn't seem to mind so Lightbeam didn't either.

"Um...okay," the yellow Pegasus said before she pulled out a few more bitcoins and placed them on the table.

Needless to say, the merchant looked pleased, much more than he should be if this was supposed to be a fair trade. "Pleasure doing business with-"

"HOLD IT!" A female voice shouted from afar before the merchant could finish his sentence.

Everypony turned their heads towards Happytrade, who was running right towards the merchant with an angry expression on her face, completely ignoring personal space and locking eyes with him. "What do you think you're doing!?" She asked the merchant.

"What do you mean?" The merchant asked obliviously. It wasn't sure if he just played that or not.

But Happytrade was in full-blown merchant mode and didn't let this incident slip. "You have to be truthful to your prices! You can't just put a price on this sign and change it whenever you want!"

The yellow mare backed away a little as if she couldn't handle this situation right now. "It's not that big of a deal...I just..." the mare tried to say but Happytrade wouldn't stop saying what was bothering her.

"No, no!" Happytrade said. "I know you are as angry as me when it comes to an unfair trade but don't worry, I got your back," she explained, proudly to help out a pony in need.

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