11. Laughter

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Toys N Stuff

That was the name of a toy store in Ponyville. It was also the workplace of the local prankster, Crash, who while doing his job seriously, most of the time, some times tend to spent his time playing around with toys whenever he got bored.

This was one of those times...

"Alright soldiers! Are you ready!?" He asked towards a bunch of toy ponies right in front of him, that he placed carefully to look like an army that was about to charge into battle. He was also wearing a soldier helmet to cement his position as the commander of this little toy army. "Listen!" He then said in a serious tone before he was about to give a speech to his soldiers. "Your hearts may be little but if you work together as one, your hearts will become one as well! Into a giant one! And that is what we need to defeat our dreaded foe!" He said before he pointed at the target in front of his army, which consisted of a black coated stuffed toy pony. "Now march forward my soldiers!"

Of course, the toy soldiers didn't move on their own so Crash had to move every single one of them by hoof, which he didn't mind at all, he was having fun after all. He was fiddling around with some little toy catapults and fired some tiny rubber balls at the stuffed toy. "Fire!" He shouted with an almost maniacally tone and a determined grin on his face like he was some kind of evil emperor or something.

After firing a few rubber balls at the stuffed toy for a few seconds, it eventually fell down, and Crash let out a victorious laugh. "We did it! Victory! Victory! Victory!" He repeated over and over again, not realizing how many ponies walking by looked at him as if he was completely out of his mind, which probably wasn't too far from the truth.

In the middle of his victorious laughter however, the ground started to shake and he looked in surprise to see another opponent closing into his army. "What's this!? Can it be!?" He said as he took a good look at his next enemy. "It is the Pink Giant! The most fearsome enemy of the Crash Army!" He announced as he readied another shot with his tiny catapults. "Fire!" He then said before the ball hit the pink giant, making it not even flinch in response.

"Hey there, Crash! Watcha doing?" The giant replied happily, who turned out to be Pinkie Pie, the pink coated party planner of Ponyville.

"Working," the stallion casually replied, which of course was far from the truth for everyone who would see him "working" like this. He then started picking the toys up again to place them into their respective place again. "Do you need some toys, Pinkie?" He asked at the same time.

"Nope, not today!" She replied as she bounced next to the stallion, helping him to put back some toys as well, grabbing them with her mane, something that didn't seem to be weird for the stallion at all. "I just dropped by to give you the newest invitation to one of my parties!" She said before she took out a letter that was hidden inside of her mane and gave it to the stallion.

"Uuuuh!" Crash said in reply before he ripped it open to read its content out loud. "Pinkamena Diane Pie, aka Pinkie Pie, hereby invites you... to a party!" He said in excitement. "However!" He continued as he noticed that the letter was going further than usual. "You will not attend this party as a guest...huh?" He said confused after reading that bit of the letter.

"Go on," Pinkie Pie simply said with an excited smile on her face, as if she was waiting for Crash to get to the end of the letter.

Crash did exactly that. "You will attend this party as an..." he paused after he read the last word and widened his eyes. "...Entertainer!?" He said in shock, his mouth open in disbelieve.

"Uh huh!" Pinkie Pie nodded before she explained. "You see, there happen to be two different ponies who want a party on the same day, at the same time, in two different locations. Of course, as a professional party planner, I couldn't let down any of them so I accepted both their requests! But...I can not be at two parties at the same time," she then paused and thought for a moment. "If there was only a way to clone myself," she mumbled while she tipped her chin a few times before returning to her explanation again. "Anyway, that is when I thought about you!"

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