10. Friends Forever

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It was a perfectly quiet and peaceful day in Ponyville. The weather was also playing along quite well. All those conditions were perfect to spent the day with your closest friends. And that is exactly what seven ponies decided to do.

Summershine, Brilliance, Nightsky, Lightbeam, Happytrade, Crash, and Star Twinkle were spending their time on a wide meadow and enjoyed the picnic that they were having. They all talked for a while and simply enjoyed the company of each other, laughing and joking around or telling stories.

After another conversation was over, Lightbeam couldn't help but express her happiness at this very moment. "This is so much fun! How long has it been since we all had a picnic like this?" She asked into the round while she was stretching her legs in the process.

"Actually..." Brilliance started. "We had a picnic just a few days before Star Twinkle came back," she pointed out.

Lightbeam quickly protested. "Yeah but that was without Star Twinkle! I meant all of us!" She pointed out.

Star Twinkle smiled after hearing that. "I really enjoy spending time with you all too," he said, causing Lightbeam to get even happier after hearing that.

Crash shrugged his shoulders. "Of course, we all have the biggest fun together! We are all the best of friends after all!" He added.

"Yes!" Happytrade agreed, "Thank Celestia that we all met each other,"

Star Twinkle nodded with a smile on his face. "Yeah," he just said, being relieved that exactly this was the case as well.

The group was continuing their picnic, however, somepony approached them slowly, confused, and lost from the look on that pony's face. Seeing how almost everypony noticed him, the pony decided to just ask away what exactly he wanted. "Sorry, but can anyone of you point me to the direction of a place called the Golden Oak Library?"

As soon as Star Twinkle heard the voice of this pony, he immediately recognized it, he turned towards the pony and quickly saw someone very familiar. "Ashgray?"

It was indeed the gray-coated Unicorn that he met before the Running of the Leaves Race. "Oh hey, um...Star Twinkle, right?" Ashgray replied as soon as he recognized the Earth Pony.

Nightsky looked back and forth between the two. "You know each other?" He asked while looking at Star Twinkle now, who was nodding in response.

"I've met him on the day when I arrived here again. He's an Archaeologist who came here to take a look at a castle in the Everfree Forest," he explained.

Everypony quickly widened their eyes in shock. "The Everfree Forest!?" They all said in unison.

Ashgray surely got surprised by this reaction "Why do I always get a response like this?" He asked confused.

Of course, everypony gave the stallion the same advice that Star Twinkle already gave them on their first meeting, like how dangerous it was and how monsters were inside there. Everypony except Star Twinkle actually experienced those dangers first-hoof so they knew what they were talking about.

Summershine especially was surprised to hear that Ashgray was looking for a castle. He quickly figured that he must have meant the Castle of the Two Sisters. When he mentioned to Ashgray that he and his friends already were in there, the stallion's eyes widened in shock and surprise.

"So the castle does exist! Amazing! I knew it!" Ashgray said in excitement. "But why were you in the castle!?" He then asked.

Crash gave a quick answer. "Princess Celestia told us to go there!" He said before he turned his head towards Summershine. "She was sending Summer in there to find the Elements of Harmony so that we could use them against an evil mare that lives on the moon!"

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