17. Battle for Harmony - Part 2

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The throne room of the Castle of the Two Sisters was still filled with silence. It was there where one pony attacked all of his "Friends" and left two of them in a state of shock. Star Twinkle could not believe that Ashgray hurt everypony and made them believe that he was one of them. The Unicorn had a completely different air about him right now. The Ashgray that he remembered, was friendly, easily impressed, even geeky at times, but right now all he could see was a pony with a bitter expression on his face, who was probably planning what to do with him and Summershine.

There were many questions that Star Twinkle wanted to ask right now but Ashgray was the one finally broke the silence between them. "There is one missing," he said to himself.

The Unicorn was referring to the Elements of Harmony, which he was levitating above his head right now. Star Twinkle and Summershine both were so surprised about all of this that they didn't notice that there were five gems levitating above his head and that one of the elements was laying right in front of their hooves. Without a second to waste, Star Twinkle sprinted forward and grabbed the element with his mouth and jumping back again, away from Ashgray who didn't bother to do anything to stop the stallion and just looked at him.

For now, one of the elements was safe. But safe from what? Or for what reason? Summershine managed to get himself up on his own hooves again and so did the rest of his friends, all of them gathering next to Star Twinkle and Summershine. They quickly figured that Ashgray attacked them as well.

"Are you alright?" Star Twinkle asked into the round after he put the last element out of his mouth, carrying it now in one of his hooves.

While some of his friends were still a little bit hurt, they tried to not show it. They were not out of danger anyway if Ashgray decided to attack again, which, surprisingly enough he didn't even though he had plenty of time so far.

"What even happened?" Happytrade asked with her head still spinning a little.

Nightsky looked over to Ashgray, keeping a close eye on him at all times. "He attacked us, one after another." If there was any hint that this all could be a huge misunderstanding, then it was gone now after Nightsky's confirmation.

Star Twinkle already heard enough There was only one thing left to ask and he was the one who tackled that question. "What's the meaning of this, Ashgray!?" He said after he saw how Ashgray struck down his friend with a beam of magic.

Ashgray replied boldly. "I had to make sure that they wouldn't come in my way," he said in a serious tone, which completely contrasted his way of speaking that everypony was used to.

Happytrade was pretty disappointed and angry at the stallion. She stomped her hooves. "You were after the elements all this time!?"

Lightbeam, instead of being angry at him like the rest, was starting to feel really sad. "I thought we were friends..." she said with a frown on her face.

Ashgray's face didn't change as he replied. "I did enjoy the time I had with you," he said, which was pretty hard to believe judging from how he looked at everypony. "...but getting the Elements of Harmony was more important than your friendship,"

Hearing that made Star Twinkle step back. He was holding the last element in his hoof and he was not ready to give it to the stallion any time soon. In the meantime, Summershine, Nightsky, Happytrade, and Crash all stepped forward, in front of the Earth Pony, making sure that Ashgray had to go past them in order to get the last one.

Summershine whispered something over to Nightsky. "I'm gonna go and attack him. Once he is distracted, you go and grab the elements. Even if you only manage to get one, try to get it as far away as possible. If we can get at least save one of them, he won't be able to win at all,"

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