5. Crash

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Both Summershine and Nightsky walked down on the road of Ponyville. Summershine was done delivering packages for today and Nightsky was just done with his shift as a weather pony so they decided to both go to a restaurant to grab something to eat.

Nightsky's stomach started to grumble, grabbing Summershine's attention. "You really are hungry from the sound of that, huh?" He asked teasingly not sure if it was embarrassing for Nightsky or not.

"Yeah, I skipped breakfast because I almost overslept," Nightsky replied casually. "I could really go for a hay burger or two now," Nightsky added.

"Yeah, me too," Summershine replied. Hearing Nightsky's stomach grumble actually made him realize that he was quite hungry as well.

As they were on their way to a restaurant, a stallion was walking towards them, carrying a big box on his back as he was walking through the road of Ponyville. It was an Earth Pony stallion with a yellow coat, an orange upstanding mane, red eyes and a pink whoopee cushion as a Cutie Mark. As soon as the stallion saw the two ponies walking towards him, he smiled and waved at them. "Hey there!" He said, causing them both to wave back at him.

However, once the stallion waved at the two of them, he started to lose his balance and the box on his back started to shake, making him lose some of his balance. Realizing this incoming disaster, Summershine and Nightsky rushed towards the stallion. The box started to fall down to the ground but luckily Summershine had his magic ready to catch it in midair so that it wouldn't fall on the ground.

Still, the Earth Pony stallion tripped and fell to the ground. He was relieved to see his box unharmed and released a sigh. "Thanks a bunch, Summershine!" He said in gratitude before he grabbed it with his hooves, shaking it and putting an ear on it to make sure that it had no scratch on it. "It would have been really bad if something in there would have been damaged," he explained.

Summershine and Nightsky seemed to be relieved to see that nothing was damaged. For some reason, Summershine had an awkward smile on his face, much to Nightsky's confusion. "Looks like we managed to save that box before it...crashed, huh?" He said in a tone as if he just made the joke of the century.

There was an awkward silence between the three of them after that sentence. "Oh! I get it! It's because my name is Crash!" The Earth Pony stallion said once he put everything together and busted out in laughter. "That's funny, Summershine!" He said accompanied with some laughter.

"I know, right?" Summershine replied with a smile on his face after seeing how Crash appreciated his joke. But as soon as he looked over to Nightsky who had a pretty unamused expression on his face, he started to feel awkward again.

The laughing eventually stopped and Crash rubbed the tears away from his eyes. "But seriously, it would not have been funny if something broke in here," he said with a more serious tone in his voice now.

"Why? What's inside that box?" Nightsky asked out of curiosity.

Crash took the box and put it on his back once more. "Just something fun! You will see eventually," he just explained before he walked past the two. "Sorry but I was waiting to test out the stuff inside here all day and I can't wait any longer! I need to go home and open it," he said with excitement before he started jumping up and down on the spot.

Of course, Summershine and Nightsky were both still wondering what was inside but they also respected how excited Crash seemed to be about this box so they just let him walk away with it so that he can open it. Before they knew it, the stallion was gone again and the two stood there confused.

"He still hasn't told us what was inside..." Summershine said with some disappointment in his voice.

"Well, he did say that we will see what is inside eventually," Nightsky pointed out.

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