9. Another Exciting Day

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A new morning in Equestria began...

Princess Celestia, the ruler of all Equestria, used her magic to raise the sun and the moon each and every day. She did that from her castle which was located in the capital of Equestria, Canterlot. Today, it was no different. Early in the morning, the sun was slowly rising in the sky and gave everypony a sign that a new day was about to begin. The same goes for the ponies in a little town, not too far away from Canterlot.


Ponies began to walk around on the streets after the sun was up. The Pegasi started to clear the skies and removed the clouds because today it was set to be a sunny day. They were usually very early since Cloudsdale, the city in the skies, home of many Pegasus and the center of the weather management in all of Equestria, was not too far away.

Shop owners, opened the doors of their shops, ponies who worked on a farm, began to get to work on the fields, fillies and colts were on their way to school, and so on.

However, not everypony was up just now...

The beams of the sun also began to shine through the window of a wooden house and into the still-closed eyes of a light green coated stallion. It was Star Twinkle, who started to wake up after the sun was shining into his eyes. He started to rub his eyes and yawned before he sat up on his bed. He slowly got out of his bed and stretched a little. He had enough sleep but he slowly crawled through the room as if he was half-asleep.

The pony walked past a goldfish bowl that was sitting on a small cupboard. "Morning, Comet," the pony said half asleep as he walked past the bowl where an orange fish was swimming in, motionless with its eyes pinpointed in front of it, even after the pony's greeting.

After getting out of bed the pony started his daily morning routines as well, like showering, eating breakfast and brushing his teeth, while still in a half-asleep state. In his house were two floors. The ground floor was his living area. There was a wooden table in the middle of the room and three doors that lead to a closet, the kitchen, and the bathroom. On the upper floor was only his bedroom with a window next to it and a cupboard where his goldfish was standing on. He was taking it really slow, as usual. If there is one thing that he hated, then it's stressing himself in the morning.

After his morning routine was done, he attempted to leave his house but not before taking a quick look at his mirror to check if he was ready. He was an earth pony with a light green coat, a dark green mane, which has five spikes scattered on his head like a star, light green eyes, and a dark green tail which ended with six spikes. His Cutie Mark consisted of six different colored stars that were lined up in the shape of a star. The colors consisted of yellow, orange, light blue, dark blue, red and purple.

When he looked into the reflection of his eyes, inside of the mirror, he started to smile. "Well then, let's go to work," he said overly optimistic before he walked towards the door and left his house, ready to go to work now.

The stallion walked through the streets and looked around to see everypony getting ready as well. Colts and fillies were going to school, ponies opened up their shops or setting up carts to sell something and so on.

"Busy as always," Star Twinkle commented on what he saw all around him. The stallion was used to see this every morning when he was on his way to work. It helped him to get some energy for his upcoming work.

"Staaaaar Twinkle!" A female voice then shouted excitedly, causing the stallion to turn towards the voice only to get tackled down to the ground shortly after. The voice belonged to Lightbeam, who was trying to give the stallion a hug but couldn't stop in time and knocked off from his hooves instead. "I'm so glad you're back again!" The mare said as she was practically beaming in joy.

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