16. Battle for Harmony - Part 1

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Summershine was done with his work for today, delivering packages all over Ponyville. Right now he didn't really have an idea what to do. Usually, he would come across one of his friends and then decided what to do. In fact, the stallion was hoping that this would happen because he was relatively clueless about what to do. It was almost astonishing how helpless he could be without his friends next to him.

Luckily, as if a whim of good luck was poured right at him, one of his friends did come across him. It was Ashgray. However, instead of walking towards him, the stallion was running, and instead of having an inviting smile on his face, the stallion had a stressed-out expression on him.

As soon as Ashgray spotted Summershine, he came to a halt right in front of him. He took some deep breathes and tried to catch a break again. "Ashgray? What is wrong?" Summershine asked, obviously referring to how the Unicorn was running towards him.

Normally Ashgray was pretty calm and collected, which was all the more confusing to see him like this. The Unicorn was heavily panting and could barely speak. There was one sentence, however, that he managed to get out, and it was sending down shivers on Summershine's back.

"It's Princess Celestia! She's in danger!"

Summershine widened his eyes and felt how his breath became nervous already. He didn't know what to reply to that at first. "If that is supposed to be a joke, then it's not really funny," he said with a frown on his face. Maybe he was wishing that he misheard that right now.

But judging from Ashgray's behavior, that did not seem to be the case at all. "No! I'm serious!" He said. "She needs help! Now!"

There was a lot of thinking going on inside of Summershine's head. Of course, he wanted to know what exactly happened first, but again, Ashgray was really exhausted and could barely talk to him normally. The first thing that came to mind was obvious, if what Ashgray said was true, then he needed help, now. Summershine instantly turned his head towards the sky, looking for something, or rather someone. "Night!" He shouted in hope that his friend would be nearby sleeping on a cloud, like usual.

He was lucky, Nightsky pointed his head up from one cloud not too far away from Summershine. "What?" He asked while he rubbed his eyes. He clearly didn't like to be woken up from his nap.

But Nightsky quickly grabbed the seriousness of the situation just by looking at Summershine's face. "Go get the others! They might want to hear this!" He said.

The Pegasus stallion just nodded and was then already on his way. Summershine would not ask him to do something like that if it wasn't important. He was flying at high speed around Ponyville to gather the rest of his friends.

Just hearing that Princess Celestia was in danger was enough to put Summershine on edge. At first, it was rather unbelievable that Princess Celestia, the ruler of all of Equestria would find herself in some kind of danger where she could not get out on her own. But then again, she probably had some enemies in this world, some who probably would want the throne of Equestria for themselves. It was almost funny how quickly the words "Princess Celestia is in danger" left an impact on the stallion. He still hoped that this was all just a really bad joke but in case it wasn't, he knew he would definitely need help from his friends.


Nightsky successfully gathered all of his friends to join Summershine and Ashgray. All with the exception of Star Twinkle, who he couldn't find and afford to look for any longer. Time was of the essence after all. Still, Happytrade, Crash, Nightsky, Lightbeam, Brilliance, Summershine, as well as Ashgray should be enough to deal with the situation.

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