3. Nightsky

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In the skies above Ponyville...

Pegasus Ponies were the only race of ponies who were able to manipulate the weather in Equestria by moving clouds or using them to create rain or even snow. Some Pegasi were even making a living to take care of exactly that just like that one pony who was flying high above the roofs of Ponyville. He flew directly from one cloud to another, kicking all of them in the process and making them disappear and clearing the sky. This pony was Nightsky, a Pegasus stallion with a dark blue coat, a light gray and dark blue mane. His eyes were yellow and his Cutie Mark was a yellow and light blue shooting star.

The stallion looked into the distance and saw how it was starting to get dark, which meant that his shift as a weather pony was over soon. With that in mind, he started to continue getting rid of all the remaining clouds in the sky. There were not many left so he could do it slowly, the way he liked to do things. When it comes to his work, he liked to do everything in a well-paced speed, not because he was lazy but because he preferred to not over exhaust himself.

Still, some ponies didn't share the same mindset that he had and one of those ponies happened to be just passing by him at full speed. It was a mare with a blue coat and a rainbow-colored mane. It was the self-proclaimed fastest pony in Equestria, Rainbow Dash.

To some extent, he was happy that somepony took care of his work but at the same time, now he was left with nothing to do and just had to wait for his shift to be over, instead of skipping time by working. As if that wasn't bad enough, Rainbow Dash flew up to Nightsky. Having worked a few times with her, he knew that both of them were very different so conversations would always end up being a little bit exhausting. And this was one of them...

"Could have at least tried to kick those clouds away," Rainbow Dash said with a little scolding tone in her voice. Nightsky, however, didn't understand why she was saying that, especially since he actually was trying to kick away those clouds. Rainbow Dash just happened to appear before he could do that. As soon as he explained exactly that, however, Rainbow Dash continued to look down on his speed. "Not to be mean or anything but...you're kinda slow," she straight out said to Nightsky's face.

But the stallion was not bothered by those words at all. "Well, everypony has his or her own pace," he replied calmly and without any sign of being offended by those words.

Rainbow Dash put on a confident smile after hearing those words. "I guess, you're right. Not everyone can be as awesome as me after all," she said as she raised her head in confidence. "Still, it would probably better if you train to fly a little bit faster," she advised.

Now Nightsky was the one who grinned confidently. "I don't know, as long as you are around to do my work, I think I'll like to stay slow," he commented jokingly before he started to fly away now. "All work is done, so I might as well go home now, right?"

Rainbow Dash felt a little annoyed to hear those words, especially since Nightsky didn't seem to take her advice to heart at all and continued to stay in his mindset. It was not up to her to tell him how to do things and she kept telling herself that it was not her problem but she also was a little mad to see such behavior by someone who is practicing the same job that she did. Without noticing that, Nightsky continued to fly his way home. For him, his job was done after all.


Nightsky entered his home and immediately was greeted by a Pegasus mare. She had a light blue coat, a white and light blue colored mane, orange eyes and a pink flower as a Cutie Mark. It was Nightsky's little sister, Lightbeam.

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