2. Happytrade

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Early in the morning...

The sun wasn't even up on the horizon. Most ponies were still fast asleep. With the exception of one pony, however, that was humming through the streets happily, pulling a cart behind her that was filled with all kinds of stuff. It was Happytrade, a pony that made herself a living by trading. As usual, she was up really early to set up everything for the day.

She arrived pretty early at the location where she usually set down her stand to sell some stuff. That stuff included old clothes that she had fixed, homemade goodies, and other things that she gathered or bought. Her parents, who were traders as well, also provided her with lots of stuff that she could sell, so there was always something that was in need to get rid of.

Once Happytrade arrived at the usual spot, she set up her merchant stand by practically transforming her cart into one and placing all her goodies on it. It wasn't long until she was done and ready to sell. "Alright then! Time to sell!" She said happily as she waited patiently for her first customer.

The mare looked around the place, which she would usually do so that she could take a look at the competition or the potential customers that would roam the place. There was only one problem though...

There were none yet...

Happytrade let out a sigh and rubbed her neck in embarrassment after she was aware of the problem now. "Guess I got up too early again, hehe," she said with a smile on her face.

It was true that Happytrade would easily get up really early because she got too excited to sell something. This was not the first time where she was standing in the marketplace alone before anypony else arrived. It was almost a habit of her, a really bad habit.

All she could do now was to wait...


A few hours later, the previously empty marketplace was filled with ponies walking around to find that little something that the traders offered. Two of those ponies were Crash and Brilliance who happened to come across each other. Both of them took their time to take a look at each stand to see what ponies had to offer, one of them clearly showing more excitement than the other.

"A fishing rod for five bucks!?" Crash said in his excitement as he looked at said object for a while, exterminating it carefully. "I don't really know anything about fishing...but five bucks is a really good deal..."

Seeing how Crash was fascinated by the fishing rod, the trader who was selling it decided to do the one thing any trader would do in this situation.

"Four bucks," he simply said.

"Deal!" Crash immediately said before he dropped four bits on the counter and took the fishing rode happily with him. Of course, he quickly had to show it to Brilliance, who stood right next to him the whole time and watched all of it. "Look what I got, Brilliance, a fishing rod!" He said happily.

Brilliance didn't show much excitement from the outside. "Cool," she simply said.

Crash then put away the fishing rod by putting it between his back and the saddlebag that he was wearing. "Have you found anything that caught your interest yet?" He then asked.

"No," Brilliance replied as her eyes wandered through the market.

"What are you looking for anyway?" Crash asked curiously.

"A book," Brilliance replied. "For my collection," she added all in a deadpan tone.

"Another one?" Crash asked. "Don't you have enough books?" He asked, being fully aware that her library was probably full.

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