8. The Elements of Harmony - Part 2

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The giant front doors of the Castle of the Two sisters slowly opened, creating a very loud screeching sound throughout the area, fitting to the creepy vibe that the castle was giving off already. Once the door was open, the six ponies who ventured into the Everfree Forest, in search of the Elements of Harmony, stood in the doorway and looked at the dark hallway in front of them. Needless to say, they were not looking forward to going inside.

"Okay, this is a little creepy," Lightbeam said as she looked in front of her without being able to see much in this dark hallway.

"To think that it is still day outside. You can barely see anything in here," Nightsky added.

"It can't be worse than outside, right? It only looks scary, right?" Happytrade said in concern, clearly not looking forward to going inside the castle.

Summershine did also not feel too invited by this castle but he did have the task from Princess Celestia, to find the Elements of Harmony, in his mind which pretty much left him no choice but to walk inside. The rest of his friends noticed the resolve inside of him and followed closely while also keeping an eye out for everything suspicious that could lurk in the shadows.

They soon arrived at what seemed to be the throne room. There were some big windows behind the throne, or rather holes, that looked as if they were left by a battle. This was most likely the case since Princess Celestia must have fought Nightmare Moon in this very place. Either that or somepony else broke the place, which could always be a possibility.

What immediately caught their attention was the strange structure at the end of the room. It was some kind of pedestal that was holding five round orbs. "It's them!" Summershine announced once he finally realized what he was looking at. "The Elements of Harmony!"

The group smiled at each other after finally seeing how something went well but Lightbeam quickly pointed something out that some of them must have overlooked. "They don't really look too...powerful..." she said. She was obviously referring to how they were just some orbs of stones.

"You have to remember," Nightsky said as he walked up closer to the elements as well. "Princess Celestia told us that they lost their power. They probably are turned to stone because of that,"

"Also there are only five. Aren't there supposed to be six?" Happytrade then asked confused.

To answer her question, Brilliance quoted something from the book that they were looking into before going into the Everfree Forest. "There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. That's what the book said," she informed.

"In other words," Summershine started with some low confidence in his voice. "Not only do I have to find a way to restore the power of those elements but I also have to find the missing sixth one..."

Seeing how the stallion was struggling to figure out a solution for either of those things, Crash gave him some motivating words. "I am positive that you will find a solution!" He said confidently.

Summershine smiled back at the stallion with a forced grin on his face just to not make Crash's efforts to cheer him up not go to vain. Still, Summershine was not to sure what to do with those elements and kept staring at them. He had no idea what to do with some ancient relics that lost their power long before he was even born. At that point, he started to think that Princess Celestia should have sent somepony else to deal with this, like her own student. He remembered that Princess Celestia told him that he possessed something that her student didn't have in order to come up with an idea but he had no idea what that could be.

The room was filled with silence, caused by Summershine who kept staring at the Elements of Harmony, which only was interrupted by some coughs that his friends made.

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