4. Brilliance

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In the Golden Oak Library...

One pony was walking around the library, looking at the bookshelves and scanning her eyes across all the books inside of them. The pony was a Unicorn mare with a purple coat, a dark purple mane, light blue eyes, and a light blue book as a Cutie Mark. She was also wearing black glasses. Her name was Brilliance and she was a librarian in Ponyville who lived inside the Golden Oak Library, which was, as the name might suggest, a library inside of a giant oak tree.

Of course, being a librarian, meant that she was taking an interest in books and Brilliance had a lot of them which meant that she always had to make sure that every single one of it was in the right place and easy to find. This usually was taking a while and Brilliance was not too worried to do it carefully and precisely, just like today.

Brilliance was right about to finish her daily routine to check if every single book was in the right place. She, of course, knew in and out, where every book was at and where to find it, making it easy for her to finish her inspection. The problem was just, that it was just barely after morning...

Once she was done, the mare positioned herself in the middle of the room. She aimlessly looked at the bookshelves in front of her and thought about what to do now only to be interrupted by somepony knocking on the door of the library. She opened the door and saw two of her friends standing in front of her, Summershine and Happytrade.

"Hey there, Brilliance!" Happytrade greeted cheerfully. "Summershine and I decided to go shopping and I thought you wanted to come with us," she asked with a smile on her face.

However, Summershine looked over to Happytrade. "Decided? More like you forced me to go with you," he pointed out.

Happytrade pouted in response. "Well, going shopping on my own is boring!" She replied before she looked back to Brilliance again. "So how about it?"

But Brilliance shook her head. "Sorry...I'm a little busy...I need to make sure that the library is all cleaned up..." she explained.

Summershine and Happytrade both looked at each other for a moment before they moved their heads to the side to look at the library, behind Brilliance. They were looking for things that needed to be cleaned up but they didn't notice anything right away and got a little confused.

"Looks clean to me," Summershine said.

Brilliance quickly replied. "You can't be too sure,"

Happytrade sighed and shook her head after that response. "Brilliance, what did you do so far, I mean today?" She then asked with a slightly worried tone in her voice.

Brilliance answered. "Sorting the books in the bookshelves..."

"Right," Happytrade replied. "And what were you about to do once we would leave?" She then further asked.

Brilliance answered again. "Sorting the books in the bookshelves..."

After hearing that answer, Happytrade couldn't help but get a little frustrated. "That's what I thought. Seriously Brilliance, why not join us? I know you like your books and this library but don't you think that you should do something different for once?"

Right about now, Summershine felt as if Happytrade was just assuming things and was going a little too far to confront Brilliance like that. "Well, Brilliance does have different hobbies, so..." he started, trying to defend Brilliance.

But Happytrade ignored those words. "You really need to get out of this library for once!" Happytrade suggested, towards Brilliance.

"To do what?" Brilliance asked confused.

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