15. Loyalty

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The weather above Ponyville for today was scheduled to be sunny and clean. That is what the Pegasus in Cloudsdale and their local weather control central decided. As a result, the sky above Ponyville was clear of any clouds and looked exactly like what was planned today.

Having a clear sky right now, was thanks to the ponies who worked as weather ponies, which were Pegasus who moved and manipulated the clouds so that it would match with what was decided in Cloudsdale. One of those weather ponies was Rainbow Dash, a mare who did her very best to kick away every single cloud as fast as possible as if it was a personal challenge, constantly trying to improve her speed.

As usual, whenever her work was done, she took a nap somewhere on a single cloud and relaxed. It was her way of rewarding herself for a job well done. Considering that she was also giving one-hundred percent every day, she must have been pretty tired too.

Her nap, however, was rudely interrupted...

"Niiiigth!" A female voice then screamed suddenly in excitement, causing Rainbow Dash's ears to ring and making her jump up in surprise. The voice belonged to Lightbeam, who was hovering above the previously sleeping Pegasus mare. She was smiling, but that didn't last too long once she inspected the mare in front of her. "Oh! You're not Nightsky, my bad..." Lightbeam apologized, innocently sticking out her tongue in embarrassment.

Rainbow Dash, being a pony who highly valued her little naps and her free time, was not taking too kindly about this abrupt wake-up call. "Hey! I was fast asleep!" She exclaimed annoyed.

"Sorry, I mistook you with my brother Nightsky," Lightbeam apologized again. "He usually takes a nap at this time of day in a cloud, just like you just now. Funny, huh?" He explained.

But Rainbow Dash didn't find anything about this whole situation funny. In fact, hearing that name was ruining her good mood completely. "Don't compare me with this lazy guy, we are nothing alike!" She replied as if she got offended by this statement for some reason.

Lightbeam didn't understand why Rainbow Dash reacted like that. She didn't know what her brother's and Rainbow Dash's relationship was but judging from Rainbow Dash's reaction it didn't seem too good. But despite that, Lightbeam still had to disagree. "I don't know. You both work as weather ponies, you both like to take naps, you are both blue..." she pointed out. The more things that the mare listed up, the more Rainbow Dash seemed to get annoyed. "Also, you are both really fast flyer,"

"So, I've heard..." Rainbow Dash replied annoyed. She happened to know this already after witnessing the stallion's flying abilities before. For some reason, it only made her angrier that a pony like him was actually as fast of a flyer than she was.

Lightbeam didn't notice how Rainbow Dash didn't want to hear all of this and just merrily continued. "I mean, I guess you can be considered really fast if even the Wonderbolts approach you and ask you to join them," she casually mentioned.

Suddenly, the annoyance from Rainbow Dash's face disappeared and turned into shock. "He what!?" Rainbow Dash replied in shock, her body now being fully awake. It was almost like she misheard something right now.

"Yeah," Lightbeam said happily with a nod. "One day, one of them came to visit. Spitfire, was it?" She said trying to recall the name, which according to Rainbow Dash's shocked expression must have been the right one. "She said, she saw him flying somewhere in Cloudsdale at some point and asked my brother if he considered joining them with his skills," the mare explained.

"So he is a member of the Wonderbolts!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in surprise and with widened eyes.

"Nope, he declined," Lightbeam replied casually with a smile on her face.

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