𐃘 one. -ᬼ

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You hear the faint sound of waterdrops in the distance, you listen closely to hear anything else. 

"Is that the sound of.. water?" you silently thought to yourself. You look around you, only to find more darkness. The more you walk further into it, you find even more darkness. It just never ends. You try to call out to somebody, anybody, but no one answers. You look down and see grass. "Grass?" You thought, but when you look back up, you find yourself at a park. Not just any park, an abandoned park. Even though you've never seen it before, it looks familiar.

After sitting down on a swing, you look around to see if anybody was there. No one, absolutely no one. Weirdly enough, you found it normal. It was just how you liked it, quiet and silent. You hum to yourself, without any worries.

The sound of a leaf being crushed is heard.

You look around, you had been sure that there wasn't anybody else here. You hop off the swing and make your way around the playground, and there was.. a guy. He was looking at you as well, and both of you said nothing to each other. 

"I didn't expect anybody else to be here." His voice sounded.. calm. It calmed you down and made you feel safe. He still stayed in his position, not moving towards you nor moving away from you. He just stood there.

A few more seconds pass until you decide to speak. "I didn't expect anyone else either." You said, trying to sound composed.
Truth is, you're not somebody to keep a conversation going on for long, you just seem to struggle at communicating with others. You heard some shuffling coming from the boy in front of you. "Do you want to sit down?" He said, while motioning to the empty swing beside him. "You're okay with that?" You asked while slowly walking over.

"Yeah, unless you don't want to. I understand if you don't" he said, you sit down beside him and sigh "I'm fine with it."
He looked at you, you looked back at him. Even though you're looking at him, his face was blurred out, it was hard to focus on his face features.  His face is unclear to you.  You decide to break the silence. "I've been wondering, what's your name?"

"My name is N̶̡̼͔̬̙͋̏̐͋͂͛̽̽͋̌̽͛͂à̵̡̧̛̛̺̥̙̩̞̠̭̟̘͔̑̄͌̈́͜͝ģ̴͉̺̲̳͈̫͔̳̪͉̫̩̠̗͆̌̿̐̽̈́̋͛͐̑͘ͅḭ̸̧̨̡̢͕̠͙̖͎̫͎̻͇͈̤͉̂̉͛̔͊̈́̔̇̇͝ͅt̶̫̠͎͇͚̲̲͑̿̀́́͒̒̇́̓̀͝o̸̧̧̪̪͔̭̥̳͇̮̯͕̮̠̐̽̅̌̉̑̓͌̍̉̕͠"

"Could you.. repeat that?"

"My name is N̶̡̼͔̬̙͋̏̐͋͂͛̽̽͋̌̽͛͂..."

You woke up.
You open your eyes and look around your room, you rub your eyes to adjust to the light coming from your window. It seems you've forgotten to close it yesterday night. You look over to the clock that showed 9:37am, it was a Saturday so you didn't have to worry about school. "I feel so weird, maybe because I woke up so fast? Not sure."

You didn't recall the dream you had and seemed to have forgotten it. After doing your morning routine you had gone downstairs to make yourself some cereal, you were feeling anxious, really really anxious. Why? Well, around a month ago you had received an email from Hopes Peak Academy and they ask you to attend their high school. It seemed they thought your talent was interesting and worthy enough to attend the high school, that day was the happiest moment of your life!

Starting Monday, you're going to actually attend it! You do feel excited but at the same time, you feel really scared to meet new people. Especially since you're going into a new environment. You finished your cereal and quickly gone off to your room, you took a shower and went to quickly text your friend. You two planned to meet up at a little coffee shop, it was a little old but it had the best donuts. (In your opinion) you decided to wear a plain white t-shirt with some jeans, nothing too special. You two planned to meet up at 10:30am, the current time was 10:03am so you had some time left to chill and clean the house a little.

You lived alone, you were only 14 when you had to get used to being lonely. Of course, you're grandma did take care of you as much as she could, but she could only do so much. It was different from the love from a parent, of course you were thankful for her but it was hard.
Your Dad wasn't interested in trying to communicate with the family at all, his vision of life was; work, money, friends, going out, and being maintained at home. While your Mom was quite the opposite, she was so sweet, and kind. There are no words describing how much of a goddess she was.

You were only 9 when your Dad decided to leave your mom for another women, he just abounded the family. No calling, no texting, no nothing. Your Mom was a very strong women, she never gave up on you and held her tears in to give you strength. Of course, about 2 years later she was diagnosed with Cancer. It was already in stage 3, and curing her would be really hard. As strong as she was, she sadly lost the battle. Your grandma had taken care of you for 3 years, but she passed away. You had nobody, well except one person.. he was a friend that stood by your side through everything.

Thinking of him right now, you had to go meet up with him. You check the time on your watch, it showed 10:26am. It was a decent time to leave, it only took you about 4 minutes to get there. You decided to walk, since today felt like a good day. You were walking over to the café and saw him standing by the front door, holding the door for some people walking in. He just finished saying 'you're welcome' to the last set of people and looked over to you. He waved and gave you a big smile.

"Hey Hajime!"
"Good morning y/n!" He said while opening the door for you. You gave him a quick nod indicating a 'thank you.'
"How come you haven't talked to me much lately? Are you too busy for me now!" You teased, he quickly put his hands up in defense. "No!! I would never, I've just been working more to help my parents." He said.

Before you could ask, the waiter had come and gave you two a table to sit down. She gave you both menus and walked away. "Hmm, I guess I'll just get the usual. What about you, Hajime?" You placed the menu down. "I think a coffee and a bagel sounds good for now." He says while also placing down the menu beside him. "Soo, other than work has anything interesting happened to you?" You asked. "Hm, nothing I could think of. I should be asking you how you feel! You did get accepted into Hopes Peak, I'm so happy for you!!"

He says while giving you a huge smile. You immediately got anxious thinking about it. "Oh, don't remind me! I don't think I'll survive, plus how could they even think my talent is interesting? Also, didn't you also get in?" You asked. "Oh.. I wouldn't call it getting in. More like... paying my way in." His eyes were looking down at the plate, refusing to look back at yours. You reached over and gave him a hug. "Hey, 'we got to stay positive and stay strong!' isn't that what you told me when I was going through rough times? The same goes for you now." You sat back down and smiled. "But, it's different! Your situation was way dif-"

"Nuh-uh! I don't want to hear it!" You protest, before he could respond the waiter comes. "I'm sorry for the delay, today we have a few more customers than usual. Anyways, are you guys ready to order?" The girl asked the both of you, you guys nodded. "Uh, can I please have a donut with coffee?" You ask. She nods. "What about you, sir?" She turned to Hajime. "A coffee with a bagel, please." She nodded again. "Coming right up!" She walked away.

"Anyways, what I was going to sa-"
"Nope! Not going to listennn!!" You say while playfully covering your ears and repeatedly saying 'lalala.' It seemed Hajime finally gave up and was laughing. "Okay, fine." He said while placing his chin on his hand. You see two cups being served and a bagel, plus a donut. The waitress walked away. The both of started to eat your breakfast.

"Mmm, this donut is good!"

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