𐃘 seventeen. -ᬼ

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You couldn't stop the tears from falling down your eyes, you only talked to somebody else about this and it was Hajime. Your eyesight was blurred from the tears that were forming nonstop, you just looked down and let them fall down onto your lap.

After a few seconds passed you felt someone wrap their arms around you and start to rub your back. "I'm so.. sorry.." Nagito said in a whisper, the hug and the words made you bawl your eyes out even more. You hugged him back and cried into his shoulder, it reminded you how you cried that night on Hajime's shoulder.

Nagito kept on rubbing your back and held you tight in his embrace, after you calmed down a bit he slowly let go of you. "Are you okay now? I can order a glass of water for you," Nagito smiled reassuringly to you, you wiped the last few tears off your face and nodded.

"Yeah.. thank you, so much.. I'll be fine though, I promi- NAGITO! I'M SO SORRY!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO-"

"H-huh? What are you talking about?" Nagito was confused on what you kept rambling on about. He followed your line of sight to his shoulder, where you were previously crying, there was a wet stain on it hinted with a bit of makeup on.

He couldn't help but laugh a bit, he found it very sweet how you cared about him, he looked back to you and gave you another hug. "No need to worry, I can just buy another one and clean it off." You didn't expect the hug but despite so, you hugged him back with a small smile on your face.

"Ah.. I see Ibuki coming over, maybe it's the food?" You questioned, Nagito let go of the hug and quickly walked back to his seat. Ibuki came and smiled at you two. "Ibuki has your orders! I hope you guys like it, here is one order of [place an order you like or sum] for Miss Y/n! Andd, a plate of pasta for Nagito! Enjoy you two."

With that Ibuki made her way to another table to take theirs orders, you looked down at the meal in front of you and smiled. "You sure that's enough for you..? It doesn't seem that big of a plate." You said while looking at Nagito's plate. "No need to worry about me, this will be more than enough!" He began to eat, you following along shortly afterwards. "Okay.. if you say so!"

The two of you had a good dinner and were stuffed, Nagito ordered for some croissants to take just in case the two of you got hungry afterwards. He was currently taking you to 'a cool spot' he found, you were excited since you rarely got to see any cool sights.

He was walking beside you while looking up at the moon. "It's kinda cold out here, don't you think?" You asked him, he looked down at you. "Ah.. you think so?"

Before you knew it he suddenly stopped walking and began to take off his vest, you thought he was stripping at first and immediately shut your eyes. "W-what are you doing?!" You exclaimed, you heard a faint chuckle from in front of you.

"Did you think I was.. stripping?" He asked while containing his laugh, you slowly opened your eyes to find him holding out his vest towards you. "O..h.. Hahah.. I'm dumb." You noted, you started to laugh at yourself, he also joined along with it.

"You can wear it, I'm not too cold right now so it's fine." He said while smiling, you nodded and put on the vest. It was a bit large on you, the sleeves were all the way up to your fingers, and the vest itself ended near your thighs. Nagito stares at you for a bit before looking away in embarrassment, you laughed at him.

You looked at what he was wearing, he was basically the same just without a vest, you were caught off guard when you saw white suspenders. You almost died from how good he looked in them, you decided to stop staring before he noticed. "U-Uh.. where is this cool place at anyways..?" Nagito perked up and began to lead the way again.

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