𐃘 two. -ᬼ

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Once the both of you finished your breakfast, you two decided to go for a nice walk in the park.

"Okay okay, what aboutt.. the bench!" Hajime laughed and nodded. "Yep, that was the item I was thinking of! Your turn now." You looked around, you tried to look for something in the trees until you heard Hajime say something, before you could react you felt a sudden impact that pushed you down onto the floor. "Y/n! Are you alright, what was that for asshole?!" Hajime said turning to the person that supposedly pushed you down .

You look across from you to see someone with white hair? That was an unusual color for hair but you shrugged it off , he appeared to be really pale too. You assumed he was most likely sick, and he wore some green sweater with black jeans. He had seemed to fall as well and got up to brush his pants. He quickly noticed you had fallen too and put a hand out for you to grab on. 

"I'm so sorry, it wasn't intentional at all! I seemed to be lost in thought, my bad." Hajime didn't say anything. "Oh, it's okay! I was also.. lost in thought, haha" You grabbed his hand and he helped you up, you dusted your pants off and looked at Hajime mouthing a 'thank you.' He smiled back.

"Anyways, I'll be on my way now. Enjoy the rest of your day!" The white haired male said while walking off. You looked at Hajime and shrugged it off, it wasn't something to dwell on for too long.

After a long day spending it with Hajime it finally came to an end, the two of you parted ways and headed to your respected homes. While opening the door you were greeted by nothing but silence. It was lonely, you silently thought to yourself as you headed towards your room. It would be nice to come home to somebody, but it was no use complaining. You brushed your teeth and put on your pajamas, you laid down onto your bed and slowly began to close your eyes .



"Hello-?" You shot your eyes open. You rubbed them, and once you opened them you found yourself on grass. You looked around for the voice and saw someone staring down at you. "Oh, I thought you were dead, haha." The guy gave you his hand for you to grab, and you did. It somehow felt nostalgic? "Sorry I was asleep." You looked around and saw the same park again, you instantly knew you were dreaming. You both decided to swing on the swings for a while, it was fun.

You couldn't help but smile the entire time with him, he seemed outgoing and fun. You started to wish you had a friend like him, Hajime was a good friend and all but sometimes he could get.. awkward. That only made it worse for you two to have conversations since, not only was he awkward, but the both of you were awkward. This guy seemed to find a conversation in everything. He would constantly talk about Hope, which you found quite odd but paid no mind to it.

"Okay, how about we play a game!" You suggested, he looked over at you and nodded for you to continue. "We ask each other questions, to get to know each other!" You knew he was just some random guy made up by your mind, but you couldn't help but feel eager to see how he was like. Maybe he was made up from what you thought the perfect guy was like? Who knows, you were just glad to be having the best time of your life.

"Alright, why don't you go first?" You said, he thought for a while. "Okay, how old are you?" You hesitated a while but what harm would it be? He's some made up guy after all. "I'm 16, you?"
"I'm also 16!" He exclaimed. You thought of what to ask him, maybe about his friends? "Do you have any friends? If so, what're they like?" He thought for a while, you wanted to laugh for asking someone that isn't real about their friends.

Almost as if you lost your mind. "I guess I have two friends, their names are Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi. Fuyuhiko is a little intense but once he warms up to you, you're in the green. Kazuichi is interesting, he's outgoing but if he weren't so caught up on a girl he could be so much more!" You smiled, they sounded cool. "What about you?" You sat there for a while thinking. "Okay, I have this one friend and he's really cool! His name is Hajime and he's been through everything with me, I'll admit he's sort of awkward but other than that, he's cool."

The two of you sat there shooting questions to each other nonstop. Until he got to a certain question.

"What's your ultimate talent?" You hesitated, you didn't want to answer it but maybe just this once..

"Ultimate singer." You simply said. He gasped, amazed? Why was he amazed? "Wow! That's such a cool tal-"

"It's not, I hate it." You interrupted him midway, even though you couldn't clearly see his face you could tell he was confused. "Why, that talent could spread so much hope, almost like YOU could be the symbol of hope." He said while putting his hands together. You almost ignored what he was saying, you were too busy holding your tears in. "any..anyways what's yours?" You said trying to change the subject, but unfortunately he dodges the question and continued on talking about your talent. You were getting frustrated at him.

"Ah, how I would wish to have a talent like yours. The amount of hope I would spread, the amount of emotions you could express while singing a song! I would love to have such a tal-"

"No, no you wouldn't. I hate it, it- it practically took my sisters life-" You got up, still holding your tears in.

"I'm just going to wake up now, I don't need to sulk in my guilt right now," you said while about to pinch yourself, until you felt his hand grab onto yours.

"Wake up? Are you dreaming?" You paused, why was he asking such a thing? Of course you're dreaming. You stayed silent, maybe it was just your own mind tricking you. "Yeah, I'm dreaming? Look I just want to get up," you tried to take your hand away until he spoke up. "I'm also dreaming," he said, and you couldn't ignore this anymore. "I'm not sure whether you're my brain playing tricks or not, I'm seriously getting pissed off. Let go." you said in a almost threatening voice. Then he let go and put his hands on to his chest. "No! I'm an.. actual person!" you stopped at attempting to pinch yourself.

"Wait... you're real?"


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