𐃘 twelve. -ᬼ

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Eventually the two of you had gotten back to the house and decided it was best to go to sleep early, you had once again woken up early and so did Nagito. It is currently the afternoon and the two of you are drawing, you suggested it since you liked to draw once in a while.

"I think I'm done, it's horrible though.." Nagito said while slightly laughing, you felt glad to know he wasn't being as formal with you like before. You leaned over to see his drawing, he turned it towards you. It was a really well drawn sketch of, what seemed to look like, a Pomeranian dog. You looked directly at him with shocked, you grabbed him by the shoulders and slightly shaked him.

"Nagito! Are you okay?! This is beautiful, you could sell this!!" You watched as he slightly blushed and a smile formed on his lips. "I never really thought of myself as an artist, enough about me, what did you draw?" You felt embarrassed to show him your art, his drawing skills were way better than yours.. as you were feeling bad about your sketch you felt someone grab your chin and slightly push it upwards.

"I know that look.. don't think bad about yourself, you should feel confident about your skills more. Besides, I already peeked a little before at your drawing and it was really well done!" You felt yourself grow hotter by the second, he was really close and you could barely hear anything from the sound of your heart beating right in your ears.

"Y..you should take your own advice, you always talk bad about your self." Nagito laughed and backed up from you, you felt relived a bit. Before you could change the subject you heard a faint knock at the door. "I'll get i-"

"I'll get it!" You quickly ran off to the entrance, you've gotten used to this huge place ever since you got here. You opened the door to find Mikan nervously fidgeting around, once she saw you she almost shrieked until she stopped herself. "A-ah! Y/n, I f-forgot you were t-t-taking care of Nagito.." you smiled, you heard Nagito slightly call out to you from the living room. "Who's at the door?"

"It's Mikan!" You called back, you turned back to Mikan. She was nervous, you felt the awkward tension begin to grow. Before it got even more awkward you decided to speak up, "Are you here to check up on Nagito?" She jumped at the sudden voice but soon regained her composure. "Y-yes! I-If you don't mind, c-c-can I come i-i-in.." you nodded and let her in, she walked in. You noticed she was carrying a back pack, you took her into the living room.

After she did a quick check up on him she started to pack her stuff up. "I-I-It seems like h-he's getting better rather f-f-fast! It's great!" Nagito looked at the floor with an aggravated face. "It's probably my luck." He plainly said, he looked back up with a smiling face. "Thank you so much for treating someone as lowly as me! I feel really honoured." Mikan nearly began to sob at the praise, you quickly took her to the entrance and waved goodbye to her, you walked back to Nagito with an annoyed face.

"You should really stop talking so bad about yourself." You said as you plopped beside him, he looked at you with a confused expression. "Well, I can't help but talk like that.. especially since I'm around people so great and talent-"

"That type of thinking isn't healthy! Nagito, you have as much of a value as me." You cupped your hands around his pale hands and looked directly at his grey-green eyes, you couldn't help but feel slightly lost in them. "You mean so much to.. me! I'm sure everyone else feels that way as well, so please.. for the love of God, stop talking so low of yourself.."

You never broke eye contact with him, you could see his eyes become watery but he blinked them away before the tears were able to fall out. "I.. thank you, I really needed that.. um.. I really liked it when we hugged.. would it be alright if we could..?" You felt your lips form a smile, you nodded and quickly wrapped your hands around his torso. "You don't ever need to ask for a hug! Just do it and I'll hug you back with no hesitations!"

You felt him relax into the hug, it felt like you had stayed in the hug for hours but in reality it was only for a minute or so. You heard your phone buzz from your pocket, Nagito let go of the hug and smiled to you. "You should probably check it.. I'll go put away the art supplies." You nodded and grabbed your phone, it showed it was from Hajime.


- - - - - - - -

🍊 > Hey, I was wondering if we were still
going to do the sleepover?

I'll have to see,, < me
I'm still taking care of Nagito- < me

🍊 > ohh, okay-
🍊 >I hope he gets better :/

Wait wait! I can see if I can come tonight! < me

🍊 > Didn't you just say he needs to be
🍊 > watched**

Yeah but Mikan came by today < me
and said he was getting better really fast! < me

🍊 > ohh okay
🍊 > text me if you can!

Okay, bye!! < me


You felt a bit guilty leaving Nagito alone, it was really selfish of you to just leave him.. maybe you should just stay here with him.. but then it'll seem like you don't want to hang out with Hajime anymore. You mentally groaned, you just decided to go to the sleepover. Mikan did say he was getting better really fast so he should be alright.

"Hey Nagito, do you think it would be okay if I go to a sleepover with Hajime?" Nagito came back from the kitchen area and sat down on the couch beside you. "I don't mind, nobody said you were obligated to stay with me!" Nagito said while smiling at you, you smiled back. "Thanks, I'll come back tomorrow morning! I'll also see with Mikan if we can go back to school." He nodded


- - - - - - - -

I'm able to come!! < me

🍊 > LMFAO it sounds like you had to ASK to go

Stfu 👺 < me
Anyways, I'll be there at 7? < me

🍊 > Yeah that's good
🍊 > see ya!


You put your phone back in your pocket, Nagito was watching some Tv while you were texting. You decided to watch with him since there was still some time to kill, you made sure to put an alarm at 7 just in case you would forget.

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