𐃘 fourteen. -ᬼ

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You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, you decided to check the notification afterwards when you were in bed. You helped Hajime quickly clean up and the two of you headed upstairs to his bedroom, he was setting up some blankets on the ground and you knew he was going to insist on sleeping on the floor but you were ready to put up a fight.

"Do you really think I'm going to simply just let you sleep on the floor? It's your bed Hajime, you should sleep on it!" you insisted, Hajime simply ignored your whining and continued to form his 'bed.' You pushed him aside and laid on top of the blankets he was preparing. "Y/n, get up before you regret it." Hajime said as he slowly got closer, you tried holding back your laughter. "Yeah, yeah.. like that's going to make me get u-"

Hajime picked you up with one swift movement and threw you on the bed, you yelled in surprise. Before you could regain your posture Hajime started to tickle you, you immediately attempted to push him away but he was in fact too strong and you didn't have all your strength from laughing. You continued to attempt to push him off but failed every time, Hajime would laugh despite not being tickled himself.

After a certain amount of time you felt your eyes start to get teary eyed, you started to beg Hajime to stop. Thankfully, Hajime knew the limits and stopped once he saw you basically out of breathe.

"Whoops, almost killed you there" Hajime said as he started to tuck himself in his pile of blankets on the floor. You playfully glared at him "If I did die, I would haunt you! I would've made sure you never slept again." You said as you walked out the room and headed to the bathroom, you heard Hajime laugh behind you as you left.

After you washed your teeth and face you went back inside the room, Hajime was on his phone. "Weren't you complaining about how tired you were? Go to sleep already." You stated as you began to get comfortable on the bed, you heard shuffling noises come from beside you. "Shut up, I was just checking something.."

"Uh-huh, whatever you say Hajime." You took out your phone to check the message you got earlier, your heart began to race faster when you saw who it was from. "And don't think I didn't know Nagito texted you, I'm not deaf." Hajime stated, you sat up and threw a spare pillow you had on the bed and hit him in the face. "I don't want to hear you anymore, I command you to sleep already!"

You threw yourself back and laid down, Hajime grumbled some gibberish under his mouth. You dismissed it and went back on your phone, you hesitantly opened the notification and went to messages.

Ko ✨☘️

- - - - - - - - -

Ko ✨☘️ > Ah! Y/n, I wasn't expecting you to text me at this time..

Ko ✨☘️ > What brings you to text someone like me at 1am?


You felt yourself smile at the text but also slowly frown, he intentionally put a underline under 'me' which most certainly meant he was putting himself down, you sighed and began to text him back.

Ko ✨☘️

- - - - - - - - -

Ko ✨☘️ > Ah! Y/n, I wasn't expecting you to text me at this time..

Ko ✨☘️ > What brings you to text someone like me at 1am?

𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴.  |  n. komaedaWhere stories live. Discover now