𐃘 five. -ᬼ

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It had been about fifteen minutes before the whole class was able to arrive to the classroom, you had studied their features. Each and every one of them had..  their own special quirks. For example, there was this one boy who had a baby-like face, but his attitude was extremely violent. 

"Alright, I'm glad everyone arrived even though some people were late... since it's our first day, I decided to do a fun little activity!" She grabbed a box, that was on the floor beside her, and she put it in front of her, on her desk. "In the box I have put everyone's names on it, only 8 people get to grab a paper, to avoid confusion. Those eight people will get their names taken out so someone else doesn't get them, so who wants to be the ones to choose?" She said while having a huge smile on her face.

After waiting for a while, 8 people had decided to go. You thought it was better to just see who gets your name, after the 8 students grabbed the paper, they each went around looking for the people they got. You waited until a boy walked up to you. "Are you Y/n? You look like a person named Y/n!" He smiled. You look up to see a guy with pink hair, you nodded to his question. "Great! Let me just..." he snagged a chair from the desk in front of you and sat down. "The names Kazuichi Souda! What about you?" You stayed silent for a while, you wanted to see his reaction until he noticed his mistake. "Um.. are you mute?" he looked around you and soon, he realized. "AH IM SO DUMB! YOUR NAME IS RIGHT ON THE PAPE-"

"Shut the fuck up!" A blonde boy said across the classroom, he was practically crying and you were really confused. "I'm sorry, I'm not the brightest when it comes to... um, talking..?" He said questionably. You laughed, you decided to finally speak to him. "It's okay, well my name is Y/n L/n, you can call me Y/n though. I don't care about formalities." He nodded. "Same here, call me Soda!"

You two talked for a while, and got to know each other. You felt happy to have a new friend. "What's your ultimate talent?" He asked, you started to become nervous but just decided it would be best to just tell him. Other people were bound to ask as well, since this school is specialized in ultimate talents. "Ultimate singer, you?" He pointed at himself and raised his chin slightly, attempting to look heroic. "Ultimate mechanic! If you need anything repaired, or need someone to take a look at something, I'm the guy!" He seemed proud and you admired him because of that. "Alright, thank you." He nodded.

Before you knew it, time was up and you had to switch partners. The same 8 people were picking, but if they got the same person they would have to switch. While you were waiting you saw Soda walk over to a blonde haired girl. He seemed flustered and you slightly laughed at him, he already had a crush. "Hm, what're you laughing about?"

You heard someone say, you look in front of you to be greeted by a blonde haired girl, she seemed way too young to even be in high school! You were taken back a little until you composed yourself. "Oh, hello." You greeted, the girl looked down at her paper and back at you. "Are you Y/n?" She questioned. You nodded, she gave you a cheeky smirk and murmured something under her breathe, you weren't able to hear what she said and decided to ignore it.

"What's your name?" You asked, she sat down on the chair Soda left behind and smiled at you. "Hiyoko Saionji, I'm the ultimate traditional dancer." She said, then eyed you. "Well, aren't you going to say what's your ultimate talent?" She scoffed at you with attitude, you didn't necessarily like her but you had to go through with it for now. "I'm Y/n L/n, call me Y/n. My ultimate talent is singing." You stated, she was practically beaming now. "Woah! That's a pretty neat talent, if you're a singer you can sing me some songs!" You slightly smiled, you were content she was somewhat nice to you. The rest of the time was spent on you and Hiyoko making small jokes together, she ended up not being as bad after all.

Again, the 8 people took a paper from the box and went to look for their partners. You were so glad you had made two friends, even though Hiyoko was a bit rude. This time, it took a bit faster than the last two times for your partner to find you, he was tall and slim, he also had white hair—
Isn't he the guy that bumped into you the other day?

"Hello, is your name perhaps Y/n?" He questioned.

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