𐃘 seven. -ᬼ

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After taking a long, hot shower, you instantly sunk into your bed. The sun has already started to set when you looked outside your window, as you watched the sun, you caught a glimpse of something drop. You weren't sure what it was, you looked harder, until you realized it was— rain.

You took a closer inspection to confirm your guess, it turned out you were correct. It was rain, you became full of glee. Most people would say rain is depressing, but you always disagreed with that fact. Rain was more like a way to escape reality, it was a way you could let out all your stress and not worry about anything. As you stood up from your bed, you made sure to grab your sweater before heading out the door. Once you stepped outside you felt a rush of fresh air hit your face, you felt your body visibly relax under the influence of the rain.

You decided to sit down onto a chair, that was already placed under the porches roof. The rain started to become a bit heavier than before, but despite that, you continued to stay outside. You had stuck your hand out, where the porch roof no longer covers your body, and to no surprise, you felt water make contact with your skin. It was cold, yet it made you feel warm. You hummed to yourself, but before you knew it, the rain was crashing down. Most people would have normally gone inside, but you weren't part of that percentage with most people. Instead, you continued to sit outside and you felt at peace.

The rain felt like company to you, you could feel absolutely horrible or having the worst possible day in the world, but the rain has never failed to help you cheer up. It was more like, the rain had become your friend. While you were deep in thought, a figure walking on the road caught your eye.

They seemed rather tall, and particularly skinny, that body figure seemed too familiar to you. You loved the rain, but you never walked in it, you didn't like the idea of getting wet and then going through the trouble of drying yourself off. You knew it was a bad idea, but you decided to call out to the figure to make sure they were okay. You yelled out to them, but they didn't seem to hear you, no surprise there. The rain was coming down pretty hard, you decided to yell harder this time.

This time, they heard you and turned their head to look for where the sound came from. Once they saw you, they waved. You were confused, you couldn't tell who it was, the rain was covering up their face. You waved back, but once you saw the green jacket, you instantly knew who it was. "Nagito, is that you!?" You screamed over to them, you weren't completely sure it was him, for all you know it could be a creepy old man. The figure started to walk over to you, you felt a panic start to rise in your chest. They could hurt you, or worse. You started to inch closer to the door, while doing so, you finally saw who it was.

You were correct, it was Nagito. He gave you a carefree smile, you let out a sigh of relief it was him. "Hey Y/n, what could I help you with?" He asked, you realized you called him over for no reason. "Oh, I saw you walking on the road. I was curious, sorry.." you apologized, he laughed a bit and gave you a reassuring smile. "No worries, I would be worried if I saw someone walking on the streets too. Especially in this rain, but it seems to have gotten worse.." he remarked, you looked out onto the streets, and he was correct it was getting worse by the second. You realized the two of you were standing out in the porch, you came up with the idea to invite him inside.

"Would you want to come inside? It's started to get worse, and I would feel bad if you had to walk back to your house in this rain. You can just wait until the rain gets lighter," you offered, he thought for a while. "Are you sure you're okay with that? I don't want to bother you.. it is my fault for taking a walk out in this rain." You quickly opened the door and walked inside. "I'm pretty sure, come inside! I can get you a towel, you're soaking wet! Maybe some clothes too." You laughed a bit, he laughed with you as well.

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