𐃘 ten. -ᬼ

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Nagito had invited you into his room, the two of you were currently sitting on the bed. More specifically, Nagito was laying down from his headaches and you were sitting at the edge. You were curious about what he mentioned earlier, you wanted to bring it up but you weren't sure if now was the right time.

"Hey Nagito, do you need anything? Water, food, or something?" He chuckled a bit and turned to look at you. "I'm okay, thank you for asking. If you would like, you can lay down as well, if you don't want to it's understandable. Who would want to sit beside trash like me.." you felt like you heard that from someone, like he had said that before even though he hasn't. You shook your head.

"You're not trash.. but I'll just sit on a chair, I'm not too tired to lay down yet." After a couple of minutes of sitting in silence you finally decided to ask him about what he meant before. You were reluctant at first, but you somehow got yourself to ask him. "Nagito, when we first got here you mentioned something about you 'inheriting' your parents money? If it's not too much to ask, is it alright if you would explain to me." He pushed himself up to sit down, he let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's a rather long story, I don't mind telling you though." You quietly listened as he began explaining. "Before I begin explaining, what do you think good luck is?" You thought for a while, you never really put much thought into the meaning of luck. You thought of a few choices and narrowed it down to one.

"Absolute power? That was a bit random."

"Precisely! That's exactly what good luck means to me. Although, it's a power that has terrible results due to the fact that I'm not able to wield it with my own will.." you were confused, but at the same time you understood what he was trying to say. You were trying to figure out what he gained from asking you this off topic question..

"I'm sorry for that, my curiosity got the best of me! Anyways, about me.. hmm where should I begin? I know, the incident that happened in elementary school." You continued to quietly listen to Nagito, if you had any questions for him you thought it was best to ask at the end. "One day, my family and I decided to go on a trip and boarded a plane from San Cristóbal Airport. Unfortunately, the airplane got hijacked."

"That was horrible luck! Then, at the exact same moment a meteorite fell and struck the hijacker.  It prevented any more problems from happening, it was an amazing amount of good luck!" Nagito stopped talking for a few seconds, it seemed as if he was trying to find the right words to say. You were contemplating whether to ask him if he was okay but he began talking again.

"But my parents were also struck by the meteorite, which resulted in instant death. It was absolutely horrible luck."

"wait wha-"

"But in the end, I obtained my freedom and inherited all of my parents money. They were wealthy too, it was amazing good luck all along, right?!" You couldn't bring yourself to say anything, he spoke about such a tragic event so optimistically. You weren't able to keep up with him, a plane being hijacked.. a meteorite.. and his parents dying right in front of him..? It was already too much for you, you could only imagine how much it was for him.

"There's plenty of more events that occurred because of my good luck! This one time I got kidnapped in middle school by a murderer, it was horrible luck! But coincidentally, I found a lottery ticket inside the trash bag he stuffed me in. Once I was safely taken in by the police, I checked out the numbers for the lottery ticket not giving it much thought.. Surprise! I won't 300 million dollars! It was truly amazing good luck, don't you think?!"

You could feel yourself become more confused as the minutes passed, Nagito had just explained so much personal things as if they were nothing. You just couldn't wrap your head around anything he was saying..

"Before I entered Hopes Peak Academy..!" He stopped himself and looked down, he had stayed silent for a few seconds before waving a hand in front of him dismissively. "No, I shouldn't tell that story."

You were.. confused to say the least. It was all so much to comprehend, you got up from your seat and slowly walked over to Nagito, he didn't say a word. You slowly wrapped your arms around him pulling him into a tight hug, he stayed quiet the whole entire time. "I'm so sorry, it must be exhausting for you, right?" You felt him rest his head on your shoulder and slowly nod, the two of you stayed like this until Nagito stated his headaches were getting worse.

You went downstairs to go get him some Advil, you decided to read Mikan's note. You took the note out of your pocket.

If anything happens don't be afraid to call me, my number is 647-1637-####

It's normal if Nagito were to experience a lot of headaches, here are some of the symptoms of a concussion:

-drowsiness or feeling sluggish
-forget most things
-blurred vision
-sensitivity to light or noise
-balance problems

It's best to take Advil and Tylenol and get lots of rest!


You sighed in relief knowing Nagito is only experiencing headaches, it was best not to jinx it though.. you put the note back into your pocket and went to retrieve the Advil, you stopped midway and went back into Nagito's room.

"Sorry.. do you know where-" you stopped and found Nagito sleeping in his bed, you silently laughed and walked out of his room, closing the door behind you. You decided to just find the kitchen yourself, it would be hard knowing how huge his house was.

After endlessly walking around the huge place and finally finding the Advil, you made your way upstairs back to Nagito's room. You felt bad knowing you had to wake him up, but it was best for his health so that's exactly what you did.

"Hey.. Nagito, I'm sorry.. you have to take the Advil for your headache." You whispered to him while slightly shaking his shoulder, he rolled around and rubbed his eyes. "Wh.. Y/n? Since when were you.. in my house?!" He quickly jolted up and looked around panicked, you jumped slightly at the sudden movement but quickly gained your composure. "Nagito, it's alright! I'm here to help you, I guess Mikan was right when she said you would forget things.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry, I don't usually raise my voice like that." He apologized while sitting on his bed facing you, you sat down beside him while placing two Advil pills on his hand and giving him a glass of water. "No worries, here take the Advil. It'll help with the heads."

The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon talking with each other and watching movies, by the time the two of you were done watching movies it was 1:38am.

"Sheesh, it's that late already? We better go to sleep, especially you Nagito." You said while getting up from the couch and making your way up the stairs. "Ah, it would've been nice to watch more movies but I suppose you're right." Nagito trailed behind you, when the two of you arrived at his room you stopped in front of it waiting until Nagito went inside.

"Hm? Why're you standing there?" Nagito said while slowly climbing himself into bed. "I'm going to go sleep on the couch? Anyways, good nigh-"
"Wait! I know this is a bit reckless of me asking you this, but would you mind sleeping here? With me..?" Nagito said while looking down at his hands, before you had the chance to answer he quickly shot his hands up and waved them off. "I'm sorry, I've forgotten my place. Nevermind what I said! Good night!" He quickly turned around and layed down, you were confused.

You shrugged it off and went to the couch downstairs, it was an exhausting day so you quickly drifted off to sleep..

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