𐃘 twenty. -ᬼ

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It's been 2 months.

2 months since Nagito Komaeda's death.

He passed away after you visited him, the one time you decided to take a nap he died and you've regretted it ever since. Hajime woke you up in a hurry, you shot your eyes open only to see Chiaki and him looking extremely worried.

They told you what happened right after and you didn't take it well.

What good would screaming and crying do? You simply got up and left, trying not to think about it. No matter what, everything reminded you of him.

Tears would stream down your cheeks as you looked down onto the ground walking, no destination in mind, only Nagito occupying your thoughts.

The first night was the worst, and the second one wasn't any better.

2 months later, it still hurts you but you've somewhat gotten better.

Chiaki and Hajime helped you through it the most, your classmates would try their best to cheer you up as well. You missed two weeks of school after his death but soon had to return.

Hajime would stay over sometimes to keep an eye on you, you wouldn't mind.

Currently, you were organizing your room, redecorating to make it 'more your style.' You moved the furniture around, cleaned out your drawers, and threw out old stuff. All that's left is to try out old clothes and make room for new ones.

Trying most of them out didn't take up too much time, you were rummaging through your closet until a certain pair of pants caught your eye.

You recognized it from the date you went with Nagito. You hadn't worn it ever since then.

You tenderly grabbed it and tried it on, it didn't fit on you, not anymore. You felt your mood darken a bit, without second thought you began taking them off until you felt something inside the pocket.

Slowly taking it out you saw a familiar note, the one Nagito gave you on your first date.

Your eyes began to water but you refused to let the tears spill, you sat yourself down onto the floor and opened up the note carefully, scared of damaging it in any way.

"Dear Y/n,
If you're reading this something must've happened.. and I have a good idea of what it is. I've most likely passed away. It hurts thinking I won't be able to stay with you, after all you helped me be content with who I am.

I never got to tell you but, I have a disease that's currently melting my brain. The only thing keeping me going is my luck, and I'm afraid it'll run out soon enough.

Thank you so much for teaching me how to love myself and for showing me love. If anything, you're the luckiest thing that has happened to me.

Please, move on. Don't dwell on me so much that'll bring you down, I don't want that to happen, you deserve to love again without feeling guilt.

I love you so much.
Thank you, for the love, happiness, kindness, and compassion you've shown me. I can rest easy knowing at least one person loved me.

With lots of love,


That's pretty much it guys, I wasn't sure how to officially end it so I went with the note- everything else that happens is up to your imagination! The angst kinda sucks but I've had this ending planned out ever since I started this book, sorry for the very late update-

I'm not too content with the ending, maybe I'll come back later and fix it up, I just wanted to release something so I don't keep you guys waiting any longer.

Consider this a late Christmas present? Idk, thank you everyone for sticking with me until the end! I appreciate all the support, have a happy New Years and stay safe!

Thank you.

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