𐃘 eleven. -ᬼ

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Before this chapter begins, can I just say thank you all so much for 1K!! I didn't expect this book to get that much attention! Especially since I just started this book around a month ago! <3


You woke up, you looked around only to find an abounded park. You figured out you were dreaming since you always woke up beside the playground, when you got up you looked around. You kept looking for him, it was odd he wasn't here today.

"Nagito, are you here?" You called as you continued to walk around, after giving up you sat down on the bench and decided to wait. Perhaps he isn't asleep yet, that was probably what was happening.

After waiting for an extremely long time you were growing lonely, it was odd for him not to come today, he was always the first one here. You sighed in annoyance and kept on waiting, it was the only thing you could do.

You slowly started to realize how boring and lonely it was here without Nagito, his company was enjoyable. You quickly shook your head, since when did you have to have Nagito around? You managed just fine on your own before, so why can't you now. You never needed anybody besides Hajime, it took you years to open up to him and rely on him. You met Nagito just a few days ago, he is just a classmate. . .

You tried to convince yourself, but you couldn't. You put your head onto your hands, you're probably just overthinking it, you rarely had any friends growing up so maybe this is how friendship works? Hajime was probably the only person you actually considered a friend, so you probably still need experience in this sort of things.

You sighed in frustration and defeat, maybe it was best to wake up, you pinched yourself and woke up almost immediately.

You looked around, you must've woken up early again. You turned on your phone to look at the time, it showed 4:12am. You barely got any sleep, instead of going back to sleep you decided to go outside for fresh air. You made your way to the door and opened it, what you didn't expect was for somebody else to be standing there, you almost let out a shout but quickly composed yourself.

When the dark figure turned around you found out it was none other than Nagito, you weren't expecting him to be up at this time. "Y/n? What're you doing awake at this time?" He asked, you shrugged and went beside him. "Woke up early, what about you?" He looked up at the stars. "I couldn't sleep." You then remembered how Nagito had gotten his concussion, he probably didn't get sleep because of it.

"Nagito you should try sleeping, especially since you have your concussion." You stated, you turned around to head back inside. "Could we possibly stay outside for a while longer, just the two of us?" You felt your heart beat faster, it was odd. You shook off the feeling and turned back around. "Fine.. just for 10 minutes though, you need your rest." You sat down on the ground, you motioned for Nagito to do the same, which he did.

The two of you stayed in silence for the rest of the night, eventually Nagito had fallen asleep and you had to bring him back inside. (In which you struggled with a lot)

In the morning you woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, it smelled good, your stomach growled in hunger. You got up rubbing your eyes and looking towards the kitchen, you found Nagito cooking eggs and bacon, you laughed slightly which caught his attention. "Ah, good morning Y/n! I hope you slept well." He said while focusing his attention back to the eggs.

"Yeah, I slept alright. I didn't know you cooked!" You said while making your way beside him, he cracked another egg into the pan. "I'm not the best but I think I'm okay? I'm sorry if it's bad.."

"Knowing your luck, it's probably really good! Hey, where's the bathroom?" He pointed down a hallway. "The third door to the left."

After the two of you had breakfast together Nagito suggested the two of you to go to the park, you were both currently making your way over there.

"Hey, isn't that your friend? Hajime ..I think his name was." Nagito pointed in front of the two of you, you looked forward, your eyes met with Hajimes eyes. "Nagito, could you wait for me.. I want to talk to Hajime real quick.." Nagito gave a quick nod and began to walk over to a tree and sat down on the grass.

Hajime stayed quiet while you walked over to him. "Hi.." you quietly said, he continued to stay silent. "I though you would be at school, are you sick..?"

"I should be asking you the exact same question." He stated, you became nervous and looked down at the ground. "Well.. Nagito got a concussion and I'm watching over him to make sure nothing happens to him." Hajime nodded, an awkward silence filled the air, you couldn't stand awkward situations. You tried thinking of something to say, before you could say anything Hajime said something first.

"I'm sorry.." he looked to side, you looked back up, Hajime had rarely ever said sorry before. Considering the fact he was stubborn, he probably felt really bad. You gave him a smile and opened your arms, he knew what you meant and went in for the hug. "I should be sorry, I should've stuck up for you.." Hajime patted you on the back.

"Yeah yeah, let's not get too emotional. Plus, Nagito's still waiting for you." Hajime broke the hug, suddenly you got an idea. "Since you're free want to hang out with Nagito and me?" Hajime looked to the side, he slightly laughed. "Well.. I have a date.."

You gasped dramatically, you quickly grabbed his shoulders and looked into his eyes. "WHO IS IT?! Why didn't you tell me!! Where!! When! Is it a her? Are you gay?" Hajime pushed you back lightly. "Calm down! I'll give you all the details later on, for now you should worry about your date. Tonight we can have a sleepover if you want to talk about it." He winked at you and walked away while waving, you felt yourself become hot a bit.

Was this like date? Is that how everyone else looked at it? No, it's just two really close friends hanging out. You shook your head and made your way back to Nagito, he gave you a smile and patted the empty space beside him indicating for you to sit. You sat down and smiled back. "Judging by the hug and smiles, you two made up?" Nagito asked, you nodded.

"Yep, you still need to apologize to him though." You pointed to him, he slightly chuckled. "When I get the chance." Nagito laid down on the grass, you looked down on him and laughed. "What're you doing?" He thought for a while. "Well, I'm looking at beautiful ball of sunshine." He said looking directly at you, you understood what he meant by that and blushed.

"Smooth." You said and laid beside him, you heard him laugh beside you, you smiled hearing his laugh.

The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon looking at clouds and getting blinded by the sun.

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