𐃘 three. -ᬼ

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You hadn't fully grasped on the situation, you've heard that there was a way to dream with other people but you've never met him before.  

You look around at how everything had started to disappear, you look over to the guy who didn't pay attention to it and stared at you. "Wait! What's your name?!" You ask, he smiled to you and opened his mouth to speak. "Nagito Komaeda, I hope to see you in the real world." He said, while giving you a small genuine smile. You were so caught off guard with the smile you had forgotten to tell him your name, but before you knew it, you had woken up.

You couldn't believe it, someone else was actually in the same dream as you. You started to wonder what it could mean, was he your guardian angel, your mind playing tricks on you, or your soulmate.. you whip your head over to the clock and saw it showed 5:27am. You quickly grab your phone from the counter and start to spam someone, it might be selfish to wake someone up at this time but it was an emergency. 


5:28 am
-  -  -  -  -  -

                                                           HAJIME < me
                                                             HAHIME < me
                                                         H A J I M E < me
Hajime I see you reading the
                                                        messages. < me

🍊 > it's five am, what do you want!
🍊 > Better not be a prank, I'll be pissed.

No, no!! It's actually important! < me

🍊 > could you hurry..?
🍊 > I'm rather exhausted-

Okay, what does it mean when.. < me

🍊 > ??

You are in the same dream
as someone else..?
Because I think someone
else was in my dream < me

🍊 > I understand why you want to know,,
🍊 > but why need to ask now??
🍊 > can't we talk about this tomorrow over some coffee.

              okay, I can just google it < me
                 thanks for the help 🗿 < me

🍊 > hey, I can help you tomorrow !!
🍊 > I'm just really tired rn.

                 yeah, yeah. I'll see you
                    tomorrow, goodnight < me
read at 5:34 am


You sighed in annoyance at him, he didn't help at all so it was a waste of time texting him. You decided to put down the phone and lie down, and relax. You turn your head over to the window and saw the world was still full of darkness, this made you wonder about the guy in your dream. Did you get to look at his facial expressions? No, the only thing you got to see was his smile, that smiled was the kind of smile that could bring happiness to the world. It was a smile that you got to see and you felt blessed you saw it, you smiled to yourself and began to feel confident. "Me, confident? Haha, that's hilarious." You laughed to yourself.

𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴.  |  n. komaedaWhere stories live. Discover now