Chapter- 2

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Nandini's POV

Wow, this is beautiful..just like Rishi had said..I could find myself drooling over this building.." Power Seekers " is the right name for this university..Today I got my dream car too..I was actually collecting money from my savings, yeah yeah..just like human world even our world needs money, but to own something that doesn't belong to our world. Like the cars..its specially manufactured in our world by Angels or Demons who learnt it from Human world..Before I could reach the amount, my brothers gifted it to me, they wouldn't let me suffer even for a minute if I wanted to or not..Well I love them a lot too..

But the thing bothering me is now, the moment I have stepped inside the college I am felling some restlessness, not just me, my inner souls, my demon and angel too..I am half Angel and half Demon, that's why sometimes its very difficult for me to control both of them together, especially when they both want to come out at a time..And so I am special because of which the world doesn't know about my real identity..But the restlessness that I am feeling is something unusual..Especially Strauss, she never gets mad in the morning hours, she wants to come out only at night as I have learnt to control her, it was difficult to learn as Demons are always stronger and me being a half Angel wasn't helping though, angels are always softer..But now, both are getting dangerous..I had to break many trees yesterday night to calm her, while Angel wasn't helpful too, she too seemed stubborn yesterday, she was begging me to use my powers so that she could get calm down..And now, both of them want to take over the control and I being the only body for each of them make them to fight which is hurting me and my senses..

Manpreet: So, shall we leave..?

Nandini: Yeah..

He studied me, oh yes..He can read me easily..we being friends more helps him to understand me..

Manpreet: Are you fine..?

Nandini: Can we move..?

Suddenly I saw all my 5 brothers guarding me with concerned looks and questions written all over their faces..

Jai: Cupcake, what's wrong..?

Rajat: Do you feel uncomfortable..?

Rishi: or are you feeling unwell..?

Rithvik: Any problems related to Sun..? But wait, there is shade here..

Nandini ( huffed ): Okay, that's it..I am fine..Just..just take me inside..That's all I need..

They nodded quickly, Jai and Mann ( Manpreet ) hugged me from sideways and we started walking..But my inner souls started getting mroe restless..Never in my life I wanted it but now I wanted to take my brothers' hands off me as if someone is asking me to do it..What's wrong with me..What the hell is wrong with my souls..its my brothers, then why do I feel like that..!! I could feel something, like..a strong gaze on me..I roamed my eyes, most of them were staring at us, but where is that gaze which made me more restless, I stoped my eyes at a tall handsome figure, one with a grey eyes..grey..? Isn't it for Demons..? He had a perfect pointed nose and seems like rough lips too..He is one hotty..but his was piercing and he wasn't looking at me..he was..he was looking at my brothers..with rage..What the..? Why is so angry at my brothers..? Is he our enemy..? His eyes met mine which turned soft immediately, he kept on looking at me..Shocked was something that I felt, my souls got calm down, their restlessness, my restlessness flew away..for which emotion I had to break thousands of trees and some or other things that comes in my way to calm myself got calmed down just by a glance at him..How..? Who is he..? I was outside the trustee's home by now..

Jai: Now tell, what's the matter..?

Nandini ( sighed ): They were restless, today also..

Rishi ( surprised ): What..? But its morning..?

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