Chapter- 19

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In Star's Kingdom

Carlisle and Weasleys were waiting outside the court room. Nandini wanted to get freshen up so Manik was also waiting outside along with the other Demons..

Raj ( impatiently ): Manik, is our Goddess fine..?

Manik ( smiled ): She is, Dad..

Sahas ( sighed ): I don't understand. Why did our God chose Manik for his daughter. She is Lil Goddess and Manik is a Demon. We are servants to him and here He had chosen Mnaik as his daughter's mate..

Raj ( held his head ): Even I didn't get the answer for it, Dad. But, Manik, if she is still on denying you as her mate, then you won't keep any Ego of yours, you will REJECT her..

Manik's head snapped at Raj..

Manik ( shocked ): What are you even saying, Dad..?

Raj ( sighed ): Manik, I know, you have a soft corner for her ( others looked at him shocked ) don't be so shocked. I am your father and I can understand my son just like how your mother could. But, remember one thing, she is our Lil Goddess. You said, she did what her father said so its nothing wrong to lie and I agree with it, she is a loyal daughter. But, it doesn't mean, you're worthy of her. We are just demons, manik. You might be the Crown Chief but she is much higher to you. If you weren't her mate, then you would have been another servant for her..

The girls were listening to it with tired faces.

Anaisha ( mind linked ): Chief has seriously lost his mind..

Navya: Shut up Anaisha. He is our chief, respect him..

Soha: Exactly, he has got a point, after all..

Naina: As per the standards, we are much lower to Nan..

Anaisha: Seriously..? You think it would please Nandini to hear such things against adelfós. Don't you know how much she respects him..

Navya ( sighed ): Babes, it wouldn't please her but we shouldn't say anything too..Our standards are lower compared to Chief..

Anaisha nodded with a sigh..

Manik ( pissed ): Dad, I..will listen to whatever you say, but don't go over there. Nandini is my Mate. She might have said to stay away from her but she has reason for it and I know what it is, only I know how much she fights just for my safety. Whatever happened back in her room just proves it, I won't say it because its something between US. Nandini will always be my mate, my better half no matter if she is a Goddess. She is Mine, Only Mine to Love..!!

Raj just sighed in defeat..

Raj: Manik, you aren't understanding what I want to say. She is..

Manik: I do. She is a Goddess and I am just a Demon. But, for her, I hold a place in her heart which nobody holds, and that's more than enough to make her Mine..

Raj stared at him in amazement while others were also shocked with Manik's determination and trust in Nandini..

Cabir: Dad, Manik..let's leave the matter..Its between our Crown Chief and his mate..But, don't you think, we have another matter here..?

Others frowned at him and he just moved his gaze to the Demon girls and they gulped in fear and looked at each other..

Sahas ( sternly ): Now, that's something true..Would you mind to say, what happened back in there..

Raj: And yes, you don't need to stutter and ask silly questions. Just come to the point, did you know Lil Goddess before and how..?

The girls looked down..

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