Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my YiZhan story! I'm so excited to write my first fanfiction - all the YiZhan fanfiction writers, you are awesome and have inspired me to write one of my own.

This story is for 18+ and as it is fanfiction - FICTION being the keyword there, please don't get upset that I'm writing a BL story between Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo.

So please just read and enjoy because truthfully what else is there to do when stuck at home hiding from Covid-19.

Chapter 1

Wang Yibo looked down at his phone and broke into one of his rare smiles when he saw the caller ID.  "Zhan ge," he whispered to himself and quickly answered the phone.  "Hi," he said quietly, aware that his manager had just walked into the room.

"Are you alone?" asked Xiao Zhan.

"No," Yibo answered.

"Okay call me when you are," Xiao Zhan said.

"I will," he said and glanced at his manager who was waiting for him to get off the phone.

There was a slight pause before Xiao Zhan spoke again.  "Miss you," he whispered hoarsely.

"Mnn," Yibo replied.  He could feel Xiao Zhan smile on the other side of the line.  Knowing that Yibo couldn't respond in the same manner since he wasn't alone.

"And your body," added Xiao Zhan in a sexy whisper, teasing Yibo.

Yibo turned away from his manager trying to hide the heat that suddenly overwhelmed him and made his face flush. He cleared his throat before speaking.  "Call you soon," was all he could manage to say before hanging up.  Yibo turned back to his manager who was looking at him strangely.

"Important person?" she asked.

He ignored her question and asked one of his own. "You have this week's schedule for me?"

His manager sighed before answering his question.  Wang Yibo was an enigma.  She had tried in the last couple of years to understand him, but he had offered her nothing but his professional side and nothing personal about himself.  She couldn't complain as he had never been difficult to manage and made her job easy with being on time and professional in all aspects.  She also felt he must have been born under a lucky star because even his cool and aloof demeanor had not prevented him from being propelled to stardom, but had contributed to it.  

"Yes, it's all here," she said handing him a file. "And I've added it to your calendar."

Yibo took the file from her and checked the calendar on his phone.  "Okay, thanks," he said after seeing that his calendar had been updated for the next two weeks.  As usual, his schedule was packed with barely any time to take a breath.  He knew Xiao Zhan's would be the same.  It had been months since they had seen each other.  In fact it was 3 months, 8 days, and 6 hours – not that he was counting.

During this time they had mostly been communicating on the phone. Although they had set some rules to their conversations:

1)   They were not allowed to send anything over chat that could be misconstrued if their phones were stolen or lost.

2)   They could not send any videos or pictures of themselves to each other.

3)   They could only video chat if they knew that there was no one around to witness them speaking to each other.

Yibo found it very difficult, as he wanted Zhan to send him pictures and videos. Instead he had to rely on all the forums of social media to see pictures of him and update him on how his Zhan ge was doing. His longing for him grew exponentially every day.   He checked his schedule again and realized he wouldn't get a chance to call his Zhan ge till later on in the evening.  He updated his Weibo account stating he was off to a dance practice for a show that was coming up, in hopes that Zhan would see and know that he wouldn't be available to call him till later.

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