Chapter 7

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     Yibo was clearly agitated sitting at another dinner with the cast and crew for the third time this week. He looked down at his phone and had been hoping he would have a chance to call Zhan today. During a short break in filming, when they were having their makeup touched up and waiting for the crew to setup, someone had played a video of Xiao Zhan performing on the show, Our Song. Yibo had peeked over with others and what he saw left him stunned. Zhan was a great actor, so much so that the forlorn look on his face as he sang was painful for everyone watching. The ladies watching even sighed as he sang the song. Was he singing that song for me, Yibo wondered. Was he the cause of the lost look in Zhan's eyes?

     He had meant to call Zhan a couple of days ago, but he had been so exhausted after filming that he had gone straight to bed. Now it had been a week since he had last spoken to him and here he was stuck at another dinner. Everyone around him seemed absorbed in conversation and their food. Yibo figured this was a good enough time as any to try to escape onto the terrace to try to call Zhan. He knew it wouldn't be the long conversation he desired, but he needed to know Zhan was all right.

     Grabbing his drink he quickly snuck away and tucked himself in the corner of the terrace and clicked on Zhan's contact.

      "Yibo," Zhan said answering the phone. "Finally."

      Yibo couldn't help but smile. "You missed me," he stated.

      "Don't be an ass," Zhan grumbled.

     "Sorry Zhan, my schedule hasn't allowed me to call. So much has happened in the last few days, the cast" Yibo started to say.

     "It's fine Bo di," Zhan interrupted annoyed with himself for calling Yibo an ass. "I know how it can be."

     Yibo sighed. "I can't talk long, we are having dinner and I just snuck out to call you. They'll be wondering where I am. I needed to know if you were okay."

     Zhan opened his mouth to say that he wasn't okay, that he missed him like hell and that he needed to see him to tell him a million things. He needed Yibo to hold him and to keep him from losing his mind. Instead the next words that came out of his mouth were, "Hmmm a cast dinner? Do you remember when we had that cast dinner after our first fan meeting?"

      Yibo swallowed. "Yes," he whispered.

     That night after the fan meeting, they had all gone out to dinner for Korean BBQ. As there were so many of them, they all sat packed together on the rustic benches that surrounded the grill tables. Like all other times, Yibo sat beside Zhan, and was more than ecstatic to sit so closely with him. He made sure to press his thigh right up to Zhan's causing Zhan to give him a slight smile. However most of the evening Zhan had spent talking to Hai Kuan, who sat on the other side of him, and Yibo was starting to get slightly annoyed. Yibo sat quietly and kept cooking the food, putting some on Zhan's plate without saying a word. He had managed to keep his cool until Hai Kuan touched Zhan's arm, laughing at something funny that was said. That's when Yibo decided that he had enough.

     Yibo tucked his hand under the table and put his hand on Zhan's thigh causing Zhan to pause in mid conversation and give him a small side-glance. Yibo started to move his hand slowly up and down Zhan's thigh, each time moving higher up his thigh towards his package.

     Zhan cleared his throat and reached for his drink. He turned his head slightly in Yibo's direction and gave him a look that said what do you think you are doing?

     Smirking slightly, Yibo moved his hand even higher.

     Zhan looked down at his plate trying to hide the heat that started to rise in his face. He tried his best to control himself, but Yibo's hand and the closeness of their thighs, was making his heart race. Zhan closed his eyes for a second as the tip of one of Yibo's fingers brushed against his hardening cock.

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