Chapter 18

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     After Yibo had left him, Zhan had stood for long time leaning against the wall trying to figure out this mess that they were in. When he finally left the bathroom and returned to the event, Yibo was nowhere to be seen. Zhan stayed a while longer making sure he completed all his obligations before slipping out.

     Now that he was home he could drown his sorrows, and he was doing just that. He poured himself another drink not bothering to dilute it with ice or water. Hell, he didn't even know what he was drinking. He simply grabbed a bottle from his bar and started drinking, only caring that it would help block out the look in those eyes.

    How did they get to this point he wondered. Oh fuck, he said to himself, who cares how they got here, how were they going to get past this point? Three drinks later, Zhan hadn't thought of a way and for some reason it was getting more difficult to think straight.

    Maybe, he would try to approach Yibo somewhere and try to talk to him. Wait... wasn't that what he had done tonight? Then Yibo had put his hands on him and took his ability to speak away. Damn, how was he so good with his hands? Zhan groaned to himself, why had he started to think about that, now he was getting hard again.

    His Bo di had made him hard and then abandoned him. Zhan laughed at how pathetic he was... here he was again in the same predicament. Aroused and no Yibo to help him. Wait. Didn't Bo say that he should call him if he was ever feeling restless? Zhan looked around for his phone.  He stumbled from room to room, falling over and banging into furniture.  

    "Where the fuck is my phone!" He yelled.  Why were things never where he put them? How do they manage to move themselves?  Zhan blinked, well now everything was moving.  He grabbed the wall for support and missed but luckily managed to careen himself into his bedroom onto the bed. 

    His phone!  He found his phone!  Zhan crowed in delight not caring how it had managed to grow legs and find itself on his bed. 

    "Wang Yibo, Wang Yibo, you better answer your damn phone. How dare you leave me like this," he grumbled.

    When Yibo had gotten home, he had taken a long shower and immediately went to lie down in his bed, hoping he would fall asleep quickly. Instead, he tossed and turned, his thoughts thinking of the event and most specifically his encounter with Zhan. If only Zhan hadn't touched him he might have been able to control himself, but that one light stroke across his knuckles was all that it had taken for him to snap. He remembered he had been so tempted to suck on Zhan's long neck when he had tilted his head back. He couldn't deny that he loved feeling Zhan in his hands again.

    The pillow beside him took a beating as Yibo punched it in frustration. "For God's sake, stop thinking about him!" While letting out his grievances on the offending pillow, his phone began to ring.

    What the hell, Yibo thought. Who was calling at this hour? Xiao Zhan? Yibo started to panic – Zhan never called this late. Had something happened to him? He quickly accepted the call.

    "Zhan, are you okay?" Yibo asked worriedly.

    "No... " Zhan huffed.

    Yibo sat up quickly ready to pounce out of bed. "Are you hurt?"

    "Noooo...Yibo.... Why? Why did you leave me like that today?" whined Zhan.

    Yibo relaxed a little, but started to feel confused and slightly annoyed. "Zhan it's 3 in the morning. If this is some kind of joke, I..." he started to say.

    "NO! I'm restless and you...yes you said I should call you the next time I couldn't sleep. So now you have to fix me!" Zhan yelled.

    Yibo frowned, for some reason Zhan sounded different to him. "Zhan are you drunk?"

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