Chapter 14

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     Someone kept ringing his doorbell and it was beginning to drive him crazy. On top of that, he couldn't understand why the room was starting to spin. Wang Yibo pulled himself off of the couch, and bringing his glass of scotch with him, he staggered to the door.

     "What d'ya want?" he slurred while opening the door not knowing who was on the other side.

     Li Yen gave her friend a once over from head to toe and raised her eyebrows. His clothes were disheveled; eyes glassy and he had a look of pure annoyance on his face.

     "We had a meeting remember?" she reminded him. "You have to sign these papers for the apartment.

     Yibo sighed, shit he had forgotten. He took a step back allowing her to enter, then followed her into the living room, sat back down on the couch, and poured himself another glass.

     "How many of those have you had," Li Yen asked looking at the glass in his hand.

     Yibo shrugged. "I lost count."

     She pulled out the papers and passed them to Yibo wondering if he was even sober enough to sign them.

     He took the papers and stared at them lost in thought. To her surprise, instead of signing, Yibo covered his face with the hand that was holding his drink and began to sob.

     "He doesn't love me Yen," he said bitterly. "Not. One. Bit." He threw the papers on the coffee table. His crying slowly turned into laughter as he wobbled to a stand and bowed like he had just completed a performance. "Although apparently I'm really good in bed," he whispered loudly, clapping his hands in mock applause, spilling some of his drink in the process.

     Draining the rest of his drink in one gulp, Yibo spun in a circle nearly falling over onto the coffee table, only barely saving himself by using his uncanny ability to control his body. He grinned at Li Yen, slightly embarrassed that he had almost fallen and flopped back down on the couch. He looked up at the ceiling trying to control the spinning. The tears he had tried to restrain broke free from their confinement and trickled out willfully. "All I wanted was to be with him," he whimpered.

     Li Yen covered her mouth with her hands and tried not to cry. In all their years as friends, she had never seen Yibo so broken. Not even after he had lost that motorcycle race. Her heart ached to see him this way and she felt herself respond in a protective manner. She wasn't the type to sit idly and let anyone hurt her long-time friend without an explanation or repercussions.

     Putting a hand on his knee and giving it a shake she asked, "What happened, Yibo?"

     He opened his eyes and tried to focus on her and understand what she was asking him. He tilted his head quizzically – why was Li Yen here again?

    "Bo," she said gently. "Tell me about him."

    Pulling out his phone he scrolled to the selfie of Yang Zi and Xiao Zhan and handed it to her.

    Her eyes widened when she looked at the picture. "Xiao Zhan?" she asked.

    Li Yen sighed when Yibo nodded. Well that sure complicated things, another performer like Yibo that was one of the current hottest superstars. No wonder he was trying to buy another apartment for privacy. With all the eyes on them, they definitely wouldn't have a moment alone.

    "He rejected you when you told him about the apartment?" Li Yen asked.

    Yibo shook his head.

    "He's dating Yang Zi?"

    Yibo shook his head again. "Jealous," he murmured.

    "Yeah I can see how you would be jealous," Li Yen murmured.

    "No! Zhan wants jealousy," Yibo slurred. "We're finished."

    Trying to make sense of what he was saying, Li Yen frowned and tried to figure out what Yibo was telling her. "Hmmm... so let me get this straight, Xiao Zhan took this picture with Yang Zi to make you jealous, but then you got into a fight and broke up?"

    With a drunken emphatic nod, Yibo grinned at her and gave her a thumbs up. "You're soooo smart," he drawled.

    They sat in silence for a long moment till Li Yen noticed Yibo was falling asleep. She shook him to prevent him from sleeping, an idea formulating in her head. "Yibo, before I let you sleep, will you do your lifelong friend a small favour?"

    He grinned from ear to ear and he nodded once.

    "I need your autograph," she said reaching for the papers.

    He let her guide his hand with the pen to the paper where he scribbled his name. "And another autograph here," she said, flipping to another page. After he dutifully signed his name again, Li Yen smiled and helped Yibo lie down on the couch where he promptly fell asleep. She covered him up with a light blanket and took his phone and forwarded herself some information from it. Moving his bangs back off his face, Li Yen stared down at him; she could still see the boy she grew up with, but his features had definitely sharpened over time. Yibo was the closest thing she had to a little brother and there was no way she was going to stand by idly and observe. There had never been a problem that Li Yen had encountered that she couldn't solve.  All she needed was a good plan and maybe a little help from cupid.   

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