Chapter 9

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     Sitting in a quiet corner of a café with his baseball cap pulled low and a mask on, Wang Yibo met with an old friend of his. She currently sat patiently across from him as he flipped through the pictures on her tablet of an apartment located outside the city center. Li Yen had quite a busy schedule given that she was one of the top real estate agents in the district, but she had been asked by her dearest and oldest friend for a favour, so here she was.

      "It's quiet with a private courtyard," she explained in between sips of her cappuccino. "Gated security so only authorized cars can pass through."

      Wang Yibo noted the modern fixtures and décor. It had two bedrooms, a sleek kitchen and an eating area that opened up to a large living area. He was impressed – it had everything he had asked for including a keypad entry system.

     "I understand all the secrecy, but can I ask why you need a separate apartment from the one you already have?" Li Yen probed.

     "I don't want to be bothered when I'm there," Yibo replied. "Not from my parents, friends, or my manager."

     "Oh like the Jingshi from that show you were in," Li Yen teased. "You gonna bring someone there and lock them up?"

     Yibo ignored her question. "I thought you were too busy to even watch shows," he said.

     "OMG you are thinking of bringing someone there – wow kinky Yibo! Oooo a private love shack," she giggled wiggling her eyebrows. "Don't tell me the second bedroom will be for S&M sex toys."

     Yibo shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Some things never change, you still have an overactive imagination."

     "Come on seriously, do you have somebody in your life? If you trust me enough to find this private apartment for you, then you know can trust to tell me if you do or not," she said.

     Seconds passed in silence as Yibo pondered his response. He would likely need Li Yen to help him in many aspects regarding the apartment and some things he planned for in the future. He realized it wouldn't be fair to keep her in the dark. "Yes, I have somebody I want to be with and nobody can know about him."

     Li Yen's eyes widened at the word 'him'. "Whoa," she breathed before picking up her drink for another sip. "I can see the need for secrecy now. I assume you have a plan."

     Yibo looked at her questioningly. "A plan?"

     "Yes a long term plan. I know you, and I know you're not the type of guy that would get involved with somebody so recklessly that you wouldn't have a plan in place."

     He smirked under his mask – Li Yen did know him well. "I'm going to need your help."

     "You let me know what you need, and I'll get it done for you," she stated without hesitation. "If the apartment is to your satisfaction, I'll begin the paperwork for you. I assume you'll also need it furnished?"

     Yibo nodded. "Thanks Yen," he said.

     "Well, I've got to run to another meeting," she sighed getting up from her seat. "I'll touch base with you soon about how you want it furnished."

     Yibo stood up to give her a hug. "Take care of yourself, Yibo," she said.

     "Yen?" Yibo called out as she was leaving.

     She turned back to look at him. "Yes?"

     "I'm going to need real estate contacts overseas in Canada in a few years," he said. "Just thought I'd give you a heads up. My plan includes moving there in 5 years."

     Li Yen smiled and nodded before turning away to leave.

     Yibo sat back down excited that he and Zhan would have a place to go where they wouldn't be interrupted. There had been far too many frustrating moments where they couldn't get a moment of privacy. After talking to Zhan last night and watching him sing that song, YIbo knew it was time.  He had always been sure of his feelings for Zhan, but had never come outright to say it.  He had been hesitant before because he wasn't absolutely sure how Zhan felt.  Hell, he wasn't totally sure now, but he needed Zhan to know that he loved him and that he was serious about having a future together with him.  Yen was right; he did have a plan. One he had started to formulate after he spent a night with Xiao Zhan, the only full night they managed to spend together during the time they were filming. It was the first night they had spent together - in fact it was a night of many firsts.   Yibo reclined in his seat and thought back to the unforgettable night with the man that ruled his heart.

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