Chapter 10

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     Yu Bin and Wang Zhuo Cheng were going to be away and they wouldn't be back till late the next day. The whole day Yibo needed to contain his feelings – he was excited, nervous and even a bit worried. He wondered what Zhan was feeling and if he even realized they were going to be alone tonight. Yibo made sure not to stand too close to Zhan when they were on set today, afraid he would be unable to contain himself.

     Yu Bin and Wang Zhuo Cheng were getting ready to leave while Yibo sat on the couch in the living room looking down at his phone.

     "Hey Yibo, is Zhan in his room?" Yu Bin asked.

     "No, he had one more scene to film, so I came back first," Yibo replied glancing up from his phone. "He should be back soon."

     Not soon after he said that, Zhan walked through the door and greeted everyone with a tired smile. "You guys leaving already?" Zhan asked.

     "Yeah, the car is waiting for us downstairs," Yu Bin said taking off his slippers and changing into shoes. "You came back just in time to see us off. Now don't drink all the beers in the fridge tonight while we're gone and don't eat all the..."

     "Let's go, Yu Bin!" Zhuo Cheng said rolling his eyes and pulling Yu Bin to the door. "You nag more than a grandmother."

     "Bye Zhan! Bye Yibo!" Yu Bin yelled while being pulled out the door.

     Zhan waved and turned to find Yibo sitting quietly on the couch. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He had noticed how Yibo hadn't said a word since he'd come in and during filming today he seemed distant. "I'm going to go take a shower and then maybe we can go grab some dinner?" Zhan asked.

     "Mnnn," Yibo answered not looking up from his phone.

     "Okay then," Zhan mouthed to himself and he quickly went and grabbed some clothes and took it into the bathroom to shower.

     When Yibo heard the water start running, he scrambled off the couch and ran into the kitchen almost running into the edge of the counter. He quickly reheated the food that he had prepared earlier and set the table with candles and flowers. He plated the food, put it on the table, and dimmed the lights just as Xiao Zhan finished his shower.

     Zhan came out of the shower still towel drying his hair. "Yibo where do you want to go and..." He stopped mid sentence when he saw Yibo standing beside a candlelit table with two beautiful plates of food. He looked down shyly, shook his head before looking back up at Yibo and grinning at him.

     "You did all this?" he asked.

     Yibo smiled back at him and nodded. "Come sit," he said holding out a chair.

     Zhan walked over and sat down admiring the dinner that was in front of him. Yibo leaned over and took the napkin and placed it over Zhan's lap. Before going over to his own chair, he placed a lingering kiss on Zhan's neck right under his earlobe.

     He took his seat and gazed at a flushed Zhan across from him. "I can only cook a couple of things, I made you pasta last time. This steak and vegetables is the only other thing I know how to cook."

     "It looks really good Bo-di," Zhan said picking up his utensils and cutting a piece of the steak. "Mmmm," he nodded. "It tastes really good too!"

     Yibo sighed in relief. He had made sure not to overcook the meat because he knew he had to reheat it.

     "How was the rest of filming today?" Yibo asked.

     "Not bad, we had to do a few retakes," Zhan shrugged and took another bite of his food. Although he had felt tired after filming today, having this surprise from Yibo really lifted his spirits and made him feel re-energized.

     They continued eating and chatting comfortably like they usually did. Any silences or pauses were not awkward as they just glanced across the table and smiled or laughed. When they had finished eating, Zhan got up to collect the dishes. Yibo reached out a hand and grabbed Zhan's before he could pick up a dish. "Leave it," he said in a low commanding voice.

     Zhan looked at him slightly puzzled, "why?"

     Yibo shrugged. "We can deal with it tomorrow," he replied. "Come sit on the couch with me and watch a movie." Yibo pulled Zhan towards the couch making him sit while he grabbed the converter. He sat down close beside him barely leaving any breathing room.

     "What are we watching?" Zhan asked smiling at Yibo's closeness. He stared at his profile while Yibo looked through the different shows listed. So sooo beautiful, Zhan thought to himself.

     "Let's try this one called, Operation Red Sea. I didn't get to see it when it came out. What do you think?" he said turning to see Zhan staring at him.

      Xiao Zhan blushed at being caught staring at Yibo and quickly turned away and looked at the TV. "Yeah sure," he said making himself comfortable he grabbed a cushion and hugged it.

     Yibo turned the movie on and he sat back with his shoulder right against Zhan's. While they watched the movie Zhan frequently stole glances at Yibo. His nearness was making his heart rate jump and he found it difficult to concentrate on the movie.

     Yibo felt Zhan's eyes on him but when he turned, Zhan was staring at the screen again. Yibo smiled and leaned over and placed a kiss on Zhan's neck and slowly moved his lips up his neck to his jawline without breaking contact.

     Zhan's breath hitched when he felt Yibo's nip his earlobe playfully. Yibo continued to slowly assault Zhan's neck as he trailed his tongue from his earlobe back down the side of his neck where he stopped to kiss and suck, leaving a small red mark.

     Moaning slightly, Zhan pushed the pillow down on his lap to cover the tent that was forming from his hardening manhood. "Bo di," he murmured while closing his eyes.

     Yibo placed his hand on the side of Zhan's face and turned it to face him. "Look at me, Zhan," he whispered. Zhan swallowed and shook his head not opening his eyes. "Why not? You were looking at me when we were watching the movie," he said. "Zhan ge, please."

    He took a breath to calm himself, but instead he ended up inhaling the intoxicating scent of Yibo's cologne which did nothing to tame his lust. He slowly opened his eyes and the need in his eyes made the passion Yibo felt in the pit of his stomach swell tenfold.

    Yibo's eyes shifted down to Zhan's mouth and he quickly closed the gap between them and caught Zhan's lips in his own in a slow and gentle kiss. Zhan leaned into the kiss and placed a hand on Yibo's arm while Yibo continued to move his lips slowly over his, savouring their sweet softness. Intermittently, he would add a touch of roughness into the kiss that made Zhan squeeze his bicep in response. They continued like that for long moments until Yibo, while still kissing Zhan sensually, licked his costar's bottom lip seeking entrance. 

     Zhan opened his mouth and Yibo moved his hand to the back of Zhan's head, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. He thrust his tongue in Zhan's mouth rhythmically, causing the older actor to moan.

     Yibo moved his hand down the side of Zhan's neck and gradually lowered it towards his chest, then over his stomach, lingering there for a moment before moving painfully slow down lower. This is when he noticed Zhan still had the pillow on his lap and it stopped his hand from going any further.

     Zhan had his eyes closed and his breaths were coming a bit faster.

     "What are you hiding under there, Zhan?" Yibo inquired with a sexy smirk.

A/N Sorry pausing here because things are getting a bit steamy and I need to go stick my head into the freezer (>y<)

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