Chapter 15

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     The fans had loved their performance today, but Zhan had sang, Tempting Heart, for one person and one person only. He had poured his heart into the performance, after spending days learning and practicing the song. After they sang their last notes, it had taken all of Zhan's strength to not break down into tears when Na jie gave him an empathetic smile.

     She had been the one that encouraged him to choose a song to express his deepest feelings and to leave it all out on the stage. And he had done just that. Now all he could do was hope and pray that the man he pined for would understand how much he loved him.

    Despite his reservations, he had taken Yang Zi's advice again. Why? He didn't know. The last time he had done so, it had ended in disaster. However this time he hadn't felt uneasy, maybe for once, he had made the right decision.

    He missed hearing Yibo's deep voice on the other side of the line asking about his day. The sensuality in his words, the teasing, his laughter all played in his mind on those sleepless nights. How had he not told Yibo earlier that he loved the way the younger intertwined their fingers when nobody was looking? Or the way his eyes would follow him wherever he went. There was so much he needed to say and so much that was left unsaid.

    A knock sounded on his door and the voice outside it said, "Xiao Zhan, are you decent?"

    He picked up his bag and went over to the door and opened it.

    "You ready to go?" his manager asked.

    Xiao Zhan nodded and he pulled his baseball cap on. He took his mask out of his bag and held onto it. They walked down the hall together going over the schedule and the people he would be meeting over the next few days.

     "Oh yes," she suddenly remembered. "Your formal wear will be delivered to your place tomorrow."

    "Formal wear?" Zhan said.

    "Yes for the formal charity event that you are attending on Saturday," she replied.

    They paused at the door and Zhan put his mask on before they stepped outside. Fans stated screaming the instant they saw him, phones were held up trying to take pictures and get video of their idol as he hurried towards the car. Before getting into the car, his security handed him a bunch of letters, cards, and gifts given to him by his fans. He lifted his hand in a wave to thank all his fans and then hopped into the car and his manager followed close behind him.

    They both let out a sigh of relief when the door closed and quiet descended on them as they drove away.

    "So the charity event?" Zhan reminded his manager of the conversation they were having before the mayhem.

    "Yes, a car will pick you up at 6pm for the event," she answered flipping though some pages of a contract she was reviewing.

    He cleared his throat and tried to act casual. "Anyone I know going?"

    Not looking up from her papers she nodded. "Yes, I suppose. All the popular stars have been asked to go and it's a big event with many vendors and sponsors. Did you want me to find out who is on the guest list?"

    Zhan waved his hand in the negative. "Oh uhh I was just curious that's all," he laughed. He turned his attention to his phone and frowned when he saw a missed call from a number he didn't recognize. "Li Yen," he muttered to himself. Why did that name seem familiar to him, he wondered. Well whoever it was, he was too exhausted to talk to them now anyway.

    His thoughts turned back to the charity event. Would he be there? If he did show up, would they have a chance to talk? What could he even be able to say to him with so many people around?

    Zhan spent most of his free time thinking about Yibo. Sure, he still often thought about their sexual encounters, but lately he had been thinking of their sweet moments. Like all the times that Yibo would hug him from behind and kiss the nape of his neck. Or when he'd give him a small secret smile right before the camera started rolling when they were filming on set. The moments that really touched his heart were the times Yibo would stare deeply into his eyes, as if he was searching for an answer to some bewildering question, and then when he seemed to find what he was looking for, he'd give him a lingering kiss.

    The more Zhan thought about it, the more he realized he wasn't ready to let Yibo go. If only he knew how Yibo felt about him - whether he was still angry or even if he still cared. Maybe seeing him at this event would give him an idea of where Bo stood, and if there was even a slight chance that he still had feelings for him, then Zhan would do anything in his power to win Yibo back.  

A/N Thank you readers for staying with me so far.  I know the last few chapters have been tough.  Up next our two idols finally see each other at the formal charity event, but there will still be some drama!

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