Chapter 23

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     The first thing they noticed when they entered the room was the king size platform bed in tones of grey and white. Above the bed hung three pictures framed in black of stills from The Untamed. The wardrobe was open and inside hung clothes for the both of them, including brand new undergarments. It looked like there was enough for a couple of days.

     A note was left on the table:

I bought you both some clothes to last you the next couple of days. Maybe you won't need them and will just spend the next two days naked. There will be a food delivery for you tomorrow morning, so you don't ever have to leave the apartment. xoxo – Li Yen

P.S. Check the bedside table drawer.

     Zhan went over to the bedside table and opened the drawer. He blushed a bit and laughed. "Wow she thinks of everything doesn't she?" he said holding up a bottle of warming lube.

     He frowned when Yibo didn't say anything, his back turned to him, still looking at the note. Zhan placed the lube on the bedside table and went over and hugged Yibo from behind. "Bo, what's wrong?" he asked.

     Yibo drew in a shaky breath and put the note down. "I was just thinking where we'd be if she hadn't stepped in. How my life would be without you," he answered.

     "I'm here now," Zhan assured.

     The past six months had been torture for the both of them, and now that they were here together, Yibo was afraid of what would happen after they left the solace of their apartment.

     As if reading Yibo's mind, Zhan held him closer and kissed the back of his neck. "I just want to concentrate on us here and now. We'll never know what tomorrow brings, Bo di," he said quietly, "but whatever it is, we'll face it together."

     Yibo smiled. "Wow, getting wise in your old age aren't you?" he teased. He then turned around and gave Zhan a serious look. "I need to ask you something."

     Zhan nodded, ready to answer honestly, but was surprised when Yibo nipped his chin and then trailed his tongue down his neck and sucked him on the tender spot right above his collarbone.

     The sudden transition had Zhan dazed and excited. He gasped when Yibo's hand ran down his back, cupped his ass and pulled him in to feel his rock-hard member.

     When Zhan moved seeking friction, Yibo pushed him back onto the bed and hovered over him. "Tell me Zhan," he whispered, his eyes glinting dangerously, a small smirk on his face. "Am I really a good fuck?"

     Zhan swallowed, wholly turned on by Yibo's demeanor. "I was angry when I said those words, Bo," he said, trying hard not to moan when Yibo rubbed his erection with his thigh.

     "Ohhh... So you're saying... I'm not?" Yibo said, intertwining both of their hands, holding them down on both sides of Zhan's head before attacking his neck.

     He needed to say something before his lover dominated him again and turned him into a writhing mess. "You're not only a good fuck, but I'm totally in love with you," Zhan rasped.

     The attack on his neck stopped abruptly. He felt Yibo shift above him and then a hand caressed the side of his face; dark pools filled with emotion stared down at him.

     "Zhan..." Yibo said endearingly, gazing down at the man who had managed to suffuse himself into every portion of his being. He lowered his head capturing Zhan's mouth, moving over them with painstaking tenderness, trying to convey the feelings he couldn't voice.

     They kissed for long moments only breaking for a second when Zhan slipped his hand under the hem of Yibo's shirt, pulling it up and over his head. The shirt was discarded to one side and Zhan traced his fingers delicately over Yibo's shoulder blades and across his back, in awe of the hard muscles playing over sinew and bone.

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